我一直试图让两个旋转椭圆的公切线。我在以下线程中遵循Edward Doolittle给出的方法。这两个椭圆以Wiki中给出的等式给出。

等式 1

第一个椭圆以 (0,0) 为中心旋转 45 度,半长轴和半短轴长度为 2,1。第二个椭圆以 (15,0) 为中心,旋转 120 度,半长轴和半短轴长度为 3,1

两个椭圆的伴随矩阵的线性组合是每个对偶的两个椭圆组合 等式 2
等式 3

然后我试图找到 t 的值,它会使圆锥(矩阵上方)退化。

我发现 t 的值为 (-0.05,0.29,2.46)。但是,当我将这些值放回上述矩阵时,我无法将矩阵简化为两个变量的形式。我总是在处理 3 个变量。例如,如果我输入 t = -0.05,那么我会得到以下结果:

调整。 矩阵



1 回答 1




import numpy as np
import math

# technical module, functions, details
def homogenize(x):
    return np.array([x[0], x[1], 1])

def cos_sin(angle_deg):
    return math.cos(angle_deg*math.pi/180), math.sin(angle_deg*math.pi/180)

def rotation(cs_sn):
    return np.array([[cs_sn[0], -cs_sn[1]], 
                     [cs_sn[1],  cs_sn[0]]])

# defining the isometry (the rotation plus translation) transformation
# between the coordinate system aligned with the conic and a general (world) 
# coordinate system
def isom_inverse(angle, translation):
    isometry from conic-aligned coordinate system (conic attached)
    to global coordinate system (world system) 
    cos_, sin_ = cos_sin(angle)
    return np.array([[cos_, -sin_, translation[0]], 
                     [sin_,  cos_, translation[1]], 
                     [   0,     0,             1]])
def isom(angle, translation):
    isometry from global coordinate system (world system) 
    to conic-aligned coordinate system (conic attached) 
    cos_, sin_ = cos_sin(-angle)
    tr = - rotation((cos_, sin_)).dot(translation)
    return np.array([[ cos_, -sin_, tr[0]], 
                     [ sin_,  cos_, tr[1]], 
                     [    0,     0,    1 ]])

# calculating the coinc defined by a pair of axes' lengts, 
# axes rotation angle and center of the conic  
def Conic(major, minor, angle, center):
    D = np.array([[minor**2,        0,                 0],
                  [       0, major**2,                 0], 
                  [       0,        0, -(minor*major)**2]])
    U = isom(angle, center)
    return (U.T).dot(D.dot(U))     

# calculating the coinc dual to the conic defined by a pair of axes' lengths, 
# axes rotation angle and center of the conic  
def dual_Conic(major, minor, angle, center):
    D_1 = np.array([[major**2,        0,  0], 
                    [       0, minor**2,  0], 
                    [       0,        0, -1]])
    U_1 =  isom_inverse(angle, center)
    return (U_1).dot(D_1.dot(U_1.T)) 

# transforming the matrix of a conic into a vector of six coefficients
# of a quadratic equation with two variables
def conic_to_equation(C):
    c[0]*x**2 + c[1]*x*y + c[2]*y**2 + c[3]*x + c[4]*y + c[5] = 0
    return np.array([C[0,0], 2*C[0,1], C[1,1], 2*C[0,2], 2*C[1,2], C[2,2]])    

# transforming the vector of six coefficients
# of a quadratic equation with two variables into a matrix of 
# the corresponding conic 
def equation_to_conic(eq):
    eq[0]*x**2 + eq[1]*x*y + eq[2]*y**2 + eq[3]*x + eq[4]*y + eq[5] = 0
    return np.array([[2*eq[0],   eq[1],   eq[3]],
                     [  eq[1], 2*eq[2],   eq[4]],
                     [  eq[3],   eq[4], 2*eq[5]]]) / 2

# given a point (x,y) define the vector (x^2, xy, y^2, x, y, 1)    
def argument(x):
    return np.array([x[0]**2, x[0]*x[1], x[1]**2, x[0], x[1], 1])

# given x = (x[0],x[1]) calculate the value of the quadratic equation with
# six coefficients coeff
def quadratic_equation(x, coeff):
    coeff[0]*x**2 + coeff[1]*x*y + coeff[2]*y**2 + coeff[3]*x + coeff[4]*y + coeff[5] = 0
    return coeff.dot( argument(x) )    

# given a pair of conics, as a pair of symmetric matrices, 
# calculate the vector k = (k[0], k[1], k[2]) of values for each of which 
# the conic c1 - k[i]*c2 from the pencil of conics c1 - t*c2 
# is a degenerate conic (the anti-symmetric product of a pair of linear forms) 
# and also find the matrix U 
# of the projective transformation that simplifies the geometry of 
# the pair of conics, the geometry of the pencil c1 - t*c2 in general, 
# as well as the geometry of the three degenerate conics in particular    
def transform(c1, c2):
    c1 and c2 are 3 by 3 symmetric matrices of the two conics
    c21 = np.linalg.inv(c2).dot(c1)
    k, U = np.linalg.eig(c21)
    return k, U

# the same as before, but for a pair of equations instead of matrices of conics
def eq_transform(eq1, eq2):
    eq1 and eq2 = np.array([eq[0], eq[1], eq[2], eq[3], eq[4], eq[5]])
    C1 = equation_to_conic(eq1)
    C2 = equation_to_conic(eq2)
    return transform(C1, C2)

# realizing the matrix U as a projective transformation
def proj(U, x):
    if len(x) == 2:
        x = homogenize(x)
    y = U.dot(x)
    y = y / y[2]
    return y[0:2]

# find the common points, i.e. points of intersection of a pair of conics
# represented by a pair of symmetric matrices
def find_common_points(c1, c2):
    k, U = transform(c1, c2)
    L1 = (U.T).dot((c1 - k[0]*c2).dot(U))
    L2 = (U.T).dot((c1 - k[1]*c2).dot(U))
    sol = np.empty((4,3), dtype=float)
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            sol[i+2*j,0:2] = np.array([math.sqrt(abs(L2[2,2] / L2[0,0]))*(-1)**i, math.sqrt(abs(L1[2,2] / L1[1,1]))*(-1)**j])
            sol[i+2*j,0:2] = proj(U, sol[i+2*j,0:2])
    sol[:,2] = np.ones(4)
    return sol

# find the solutions, i.e. the points x=(x[0],x[1]) saisfying the pair 
# of quadratic equations 
# represented by a pair of vectors eq1 and eq2 of 6 coefficients
def solve_eq(eq1, eq2):
    conic1 = equation_to_conic(eq1)
    conic2 = equation_to_conic(eq2)
    return find_common_points(conic1, conic2)

Esample of finding the common tangents of a pair of conics:
conic 1: major axis = 2, minor axis = 1, angle = 45, center = (0,0)
conic 2: major axis = 3, minor axis = 1, angle = 120, center = (15,0)

a = 2
b = 1
cntr = np.array([0,0])
w = 45

Q1 = Conic(a, b, w, cntr)
dQ1 = dual_Conic(a, b, w, cntr)

a = 3
b = 1
cntr = np.array([15,0])
w = 120

Q2 = Conic(a, b, w, cntr)
dQ2 = dual_Conic(a, b, w, cntr)

R = find_common_points(dQ1, dQ2)

print('checking that the output forms common tangent lines: ')
print('conic 1: ')
print(np.diagonal(R.dot(dQ1.dot(R.T))) )
print('conic 2: ')
print(np.diagonal(R.dot(dQ2.dot(R.T))) )

一些解释:假设你想找到两个圆锥曲线 C1 和 C2 的交点。为简单起见,我们假设它们是在四个不同点相交的实椭圆(以避免复数)


这个问题可能有几种不同的几何解释,但让我们用圆锥曲线来解释。两个圆锥曲线 C1 和 C2 由具有非零行列式的 3 x 3 对称矩阵表示,我将其表示为 C1 和 C2。由 C1 和 C2 生成的称为圆锥曲线的线性组合是 t 参数化的圆锥曲线族C1 - t*C2,其中 t 只是一个数字。关键是每个圆锥都C1 - tC2通过 C1 和 C2 的交点,这是它们唯一的四个共同点。您可以通过观察 if x.T * C1 * x = x.T * C1 * x = 0then 来证明这一点x.T * (C1 - t*C2) * x = x.T * C1 * x - t * x.T * C2 * x = 0 - t*0 = 0。此外,如果您取 和 的交点C1C1 - t*C2那么C2 = C1 - t*C2 + s*C2您可以在 时应用相同的参数s = t

在这个圆锥曲线族中,有三个退化圆锥曲线,它们在几何上是三对线。它们恰好在 t 满足 时发生det( C1 - t*C2 ) = 0。这是一个关于 t 的 3 次多项式方程,因此k[0], k[1], k[2],由于 C1 和 C2 的好坏,存在三个不同的解。投影而言,每个退化二次曲线C1 - k[j]*C2都是一对线,它们有一个共同的交点u[:,j] = [ u[0,j] : u[1,j] : u[2,j] ]。此外,rank(C1 - k[j]*C2) = 2,所以ker(C1 - k[j]*C2) = 1。这一点u[:,j]被描述为方程的解 (C1 - k[j]*C2) * u[:,j] = 0。由于C2是可逆的(非退化的),将方程两边乘以inverse(C2)得到等价方程( (inverse(C2) * C1) - k[j]*Identity ) * u[:,j] = 0,即为特征值方程,具有k[j]作为特征值和u[:,j]作为特征向量。该函数的输出transform()是 1 x 3 的特征值数组k和 3 x 3U = [ u[:,0], u[:,1], u[:,2] ]的特征向量矩阵。

共轭C1 - k[j]*C2 by U, i.e. (U.T)*(C1 - k[j]*C2)*U, 在几何上等价于执行将u[:,0]和发送u[:,1]到无穷大和u[:,2]原点的射影变换。因此,U将坐标系从一般坐标系更改为特殊坐标系,其中两个退化圆锥曲线由平行线对给出,并将它们组合成一个矩形。第三个圆锥由矩形的诊断表示。

在这张新图片中,交集问题可以很容易地解决,只需从矩阵的条目中读取一个解(U.T)*(C1 - k[j]*C2)*U(交点是矩形的顶点,所以如果你找到其中一个,其他的只是镜像对称彼此的)。

于 2021-01-03T20:36:39.273 回答