我正在尝试从protoc 编译器生成的 FileDescriptorSet 中提取 Protobuf 自定义选项。我无法使用 protoreflect 这样做。所以,我尝试使用 protojson 库来做到这一点。

PS:导入 Go 生成的代码不是我的用例的选项。

这是我正在测试的 Protobuf 消息:

syntax = "proto3";

option go_package = "./protoze";

import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
    string Meta = 50000;
extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
    string Food = 50001;
option (Food) = "cheese";
message X {
 int64 num = 1;
message P {
    string Fname          = 1 [json_name = "FNAME"];
    string Lname          = 2 [json_name = "0123", (Meta) = "Yo"]; 
    string Designation    = 3;
    repeated string Email = 4;
    string UserID         = 5;
    string EmpID          = 6;
    repeated X z          = 7;
// protoc --go_out=. filename.proto


package main

import (


func main() {
    exec.Command("protoc", "-oBinaryFile", "1.proto").Run()
    Fset := descriptorpb.FileDescriptorSet{}
    byts, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("File")
    proto.Unmarshal(byts, &Fset)
    byts, _ = protojson.Marshal(Fset.File[0])

这是输出 JSON

  "name": "1.proto",
  "dependency": [
  "messageType": [
      "name": "X",
      "field": [
          "name": "num",
          "number": 1,
          "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
          "type": "TYPE_INT64",
          "jsonName": "num"
      "name": "P",
      "field": [
          "name": "Fname",
          "number": 1,
          "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
          "type": "TYPE_STRING",
          "jsonName": "FNAME"
          "name": "Lname",
          "number": 2,
          "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
          "type": "TYPE_STRING",
          "jsonName": "0123",
          "options": {}
          "name": "Designation",
          "number": 3,
          "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
          "type": "TYPE_STRING",
          "jsonName": "Designation"
          "name": "Email",
          "number": 4,
          "label": "LABEL_REPEATED",
          "type": "TYPE_STRING",
          "jsonName": "Email"
          "name": "UserID",
          "number": 5,
          "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
          "type": "TYPE_STRING",
          "jsonName": "UserID"
          "name": "EmpID",
          "number": 6,
          "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
          "type": "TYPE_STRING",
          "jsonName": "EmpID"
          "name": "z",
          "number": 7,
          "label": "LABEL_REPEATED",
          "type": "TYPE_MESSAGE",
          "typeName": ".X",
          "jsonName": "z"
  "extension": [
      "name": "Meta",
      "number": 50000,
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "TYPE_STRING",
      "extendee": ".google.protobuf.FieldOptions",
      "jsonName": "Meta"
      "name": "Food",
      "number": 50001,
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "TYPE_STRING",
      "extendee": ".google.protobuf.FileOptions",
      "jsonName": "Food"
  "options": {
    "goPackage": "./protoze"
  "syntax": "proto3"


有人可以告诉我如何使用 Protoreflect 或使用 Protojson 从 FileDescriptorSet 中提取自定义选项。

我尝试了很多尝试使用 Protoreflect 提取它但失败了!


1 回答 1


虽然没有具体回答如何在生成的 JSON 中获取自定义选项,但我相信我可以回答您的基本问题:如何在不加载生成的 Go 代码的情况下访问自定义选项。这要感谢 dsnet 对我在golang 问题板上的问题的回答。不用说,这个棘手的解决方案的所有功劳都归功于他。妙语是 Marshal 然后 Unmarshal 使用运行时填充的 protoregistry.Types 实际了解自定义选项的选项。

我在这个 repo 中对这种方法进行了完整的演示,关键部分(所有内容都来自 dsnet 的示例)在这里:

func main() {
    }.Run(func(gen *protogen.Plugin) error {

        gen.SupportedFeatures = uint64(pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse_FEATURE_PROTO3_OPTIONAL)

        // The type information for all extensions is in the source files,
        // so we need to extract them into a dynamically created protoregistry.Types.
        extTypes := new(protoregistry.Types)
        for _, file := range gen.Files {
            if err := registerAllExtensions(extTypes, file.Desc); err != nil {

        // run through the files again, extracting and printing the Message options
        for _, sourceFile := range gen.Files {
            if !sourceFile.Generate {

            // setup output file
            outputfile := gen.NewGeneratedFile("./out.txt", sourceFile.GoImportPath)

            for _, message := range sourceFile.Messages {
                outputfile.P(fmt.Sprintf("\nMessage %s:", message.Desc.Name()))

                // The MessageOptions as provided by protoc does not know about
                // dynamically created extensions, so they are left as unknown fields.
                // We round-trip marshal and unmarshal the options with
                // a dynamically created resolver that does know about extensions at runtime.
                options := message.Desc.Options().(*descriptorpb.MessageOptions)
                b, err := proto.Marshal(options)
                if err != nil {
                err = proto.UnmarshalOptions{Resolver: extTypes}.Unmarshal(b, options)
                if err != nil {

                // Use protobuf reflection to iterate over all the extension fields,
                // looking for the ones that we are interested in.
                options.ProtoReflect().Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
                    if !fd.IsExtension() {
                        return true

                    outputfile.P(fmt.Sprintf("Value of option %s is %s",fd.Name(), v.String()))

                    // Make use of fd and v based on their reflective properties.

                    return true
        return nil

// Recursively register all extensions into the provided protoregistry.Types,
// starting with the protoreflect.FileDescriptor and recursing into its MessageDescriptors,
// their nested MessageDescriptors, and so on.
// This leverages the fact that both protoreflect.FileDescriptor and protoreflect.MessageDescriptor 
// have identical Messages() and Extensions() functions in order to recurse through a single function
func registerAllExtensions(extTypes *protoregistry.Types, descs interface {
    Messages() protoreflect.MessageDescriptors
    Extensions() protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptors
}) error {
    mds := descs.Messages()
    for i := 0; i < mds.Len(); i++ {
        registerAllExtensions(extTypes, mds.Get(i))
    xds := descs.Extensions()
    for i := 0; i < xds.Len(); i++ {
        if err := extTypes.RegisterExtension(dynamicpb.NewExtensionType(xds.Get(i))); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil
于 2020-12-28T03:10:22.283 回答