在 WebUI 中,您可以通过下拉菜单选择“超时”工作流。
使用 CLI,您可以使用命令:
./cadence --domain sample-domain wf list --status timeout
./cadence --domain sample-domain wf list --wt "MyWorkflow" --status timeout
./cadence --domain sample-domain wf list --query "CloseStatus=5 AND SOME_OTHER_FILTERS"
随意探索将 List 命令与 `` 一起使用的更多选项:
./cadence --domain sample-domain wf list --help
cadence workflow list - list open or closed workflow executions
cadence workflow list [command options] [arguments...]
list one page (default size 10 items) by default, use flag --pagesize to change page size
--print_raw_time, --prt Print raw timestamp
--print_datetime, --pdt Print full date time in '2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00' format
--print_memo, --pme Print memo
--print_search_attr, --psa Print search attributes
--print_full, --pf Print full message without table format
--print_json, --pjson Print in raw json format
--open, --op List for open workflow executions, default is to list for closed ones
--earliest_time value, --et value EarliestTime of start time, supported formats are '2006-01-02T15:04:05+07:00', raw UnixNano and time range (N<duration>), where 0 < N < 1000000 and duration (full-notation/short-notation) can be second/s, minute/m, hour/h, day/d, week/w, month/M or year/y. For example, '15minute' or '15m' implies last 15 minutes.
--latest_time value, --lt value LatestTime of start time, supported formats are '2006-01-02T15:04:05+07:00', raw UnixNano and time range (N<duration>), where 0 < N < 1000000 and duration (in full-notation/short-notation) can be second/s, minute/m, hour/h, day/d, week/w, month/M or year/y. For example, '15minute' or '15m' implies last 15 minutes
--workflow_id value, --wid value, -w value WorkflowID
--workflow_type value, --wt value WorkflowTypeName
--status value, -s value Closed workflow status [completed, failed, canceled, terminated, continuedasnew, timedout]
--query value, -q value Optional SQL like query for use of search attributes. NOTE: using query will ignore all other filter flags including: [open, earliest_time, latest_time, workflow_id, workflow_type]
--more, -m List more pages, default is to list one page of default page size 10
--pagesize value, --ps value Result page size (default: 10)