Gtk2hs 有各种实现 Widget 类的小部件数据类型。是否可以编写具有相同功能的自定义数据类型?
假设我想要一个小部件来显示和运行这样的 Lua 代码。
data LuaWidget = LuaWidget { text :: TextView, package :: HBox } deriving Eq
instance Widget LuaWidget where
在 Haskell 级别上可能吗?
It is not possible to create new widget 'classes' with Haskell in gtk.
What you can do is give custom attributes to an existing widget type. For example, in the package plot-gtk
a custom data field (System.Glib.GObject
) is added to a drawingArea
import System.Glib.GObject
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
-- | create a new 'Figure' plot
plotNew :: FigureHandle -> IO DrawingArea
plotNew f = do
canvas <- drawingAreaNew
set canvas [maybeFigure := (Just f)]
_ <- on canvas exposeEvent $ tryEvent $ liftIO $ do
s <- widgetGetSize canvas
drw <- widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
fig <- get canvas figure
renderWithDrawable drw (renderFigureState fig s)
return canvas
-- | the figure attribute
figure :: Attr DrawingArea FigureState
figure = newAttr getFigure setFigure
where getFigure o = do
Just f <- get o maybeFigure
readMVar f
setFigure o f = set o [maybeFigure :~> (\(Just h) -> do
modifyMVar_ h (\_ -> return f)
return $ Just h)]
maybeFigure :: Attr DrawingArea (Maybe FigureHandle)
maybeFigure = unsafePerformIO $ objectCreateAttribute
{-# NOINLINE maybeFigure #-}