我无法获得彩色 cli v5.4.0 来构建我的故事书。它第一次工作,然后挂起后续尝试。

  ➜  my-project git:(storybook-poc) ✗ yarn chromatic
  yarn run v1.22.10
$ npx chromatic --project-token xxxfooxxx

Chromatic CLI v5.4.0

  ✔ Authenticated with Chromatic
    → Using project token '*******xxx'
  ✔ Retrieved git information
    → Commit 'f392eff' on branch 'storybook-poc'; found 1 baseline commit
  ✔ Collected Storybook metadata
    → Storybook v6.1.3 for React; supported addons found: Actions, Backgrounds, Docs, Links, Viewport
  ⠼ Building your Storybook
    → Running command: build-storybook -- --output-dir /var/folders/1t/9d_7zrws2p52d2gw918m16wr0000gq/T/chromatic--50970-DBkh6i7fBaPe
    Publish your built Storybook
    Verify your Storybook
    Take snapshots of your stories

该 var 目录的输出从不包含以下内容,尽管运行了几分钟:

ls -la /var/folders/1t/9d_7zrws2p52d2gw918m16wr0000gq/T/chromatic--50970-DBkh6i7fBaPe

total 0
drwx------    2 stefan  staff    64  1 Dec 15:50 .
drwx------@ 190 stefan  staff  6080  1 Dec 15:51 ..

我现在正在使用以下命令解决这个问题,所以可能是基于权限的 ‍♂️。欢迎提出建议!

./node_modules/.bin/chromatic --project-token=xxxxfooxxxx

1 回答 1


chromatic@5.5.1-dev.0根据@Gert_Hngeveld 评论升级到已经解决了构建问题。非常感谢!

yarn chromatic
yarn run v1.22.5
$ npx chromatic --project-token ******

Chromatic CLI v5.5.1-dev.1

✔ Authenticated with Chromatic
→ Using project token '**********'
✔ Retrieved git information
→ Commit '5aaa9bc' on branch 'CON-91-deploy-to-prod'; found 1 baseline commit
✔ Collected Storybook metadata
→ Storybook v6.1.3 for React; supported addons found: Actions, Backgrounds, Docs, Links, Viewport
✔ Storybook built in 1 minute 5 seconds
→ View build log at /Users/MEH/code/.../build-storybook.log
✔ Publish complete in 16 seconds
→ View your Storybook at https://5fc......0c1-mk...dy.chromatic.com
✔ Started build 7
→ View build details at https://www.chromatic.com/build?appId=5fc......0c1&number=7
✔ Build 7 failed after 10 seconds
于 2021-01-08T17:49:01.157 回答