我在 Ionos.com 有一个 FTP 服务器,它与 Filezilla 配合得很好。但是,当我尝试在 gitlab 公共运行器(节点:最新图像)上通过 LFTP 连接到此 FTP 服务器时,我不断收到错误,具体取决于我在做什么:
在端口 21 上连接:
lftp -d -e "set ftp:ssl-allow no;set ssl:verify-certificate false;set sftp:auto-confirm no;ls;" -u 'xxx','xxx' -p 21 'xxx'
---- Resolving host address...
---- 2 addresses found: xxx, xxx
---- Connecting to xxx (xxx) port 21
**** Socket error (Network is unreachable) - reconnecting
---- Closing control socket
---- Connecting to xxx (xxx) port 21
<--- 220 FTP Server ready.
---> FEAT
<--- 500 'FEAT': command unrecognized.
---> USER xxx
<--- 331 Password required for xxx
---> PASS xxx
<--- 530 Login incorrect.
---> PWD
ls: Login failed: 530 Login incorrect.
<--- 421 Service not available, closing control connection.
---> QUIT
<--- 530 Not logged in.
---- Closing control socket
在端口 22 上连接:
lftp -d -e "set ftp:ssl-allow yes;set ssl:verify-certificate true;set sftp:auto-confirm yes;ls;" -u 'xxx','xxx' -p 22 'xxx'
---- Resolving host address...
---- 1 address found: xxx
---- Connecting to xxx (xxx) port 22
<--- SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.9p1 Debian-10+deb10u1~ui10+2
**** Peer closed connection
---- Closing control socket
最后 4 行循环令人作呕。
我已经通过在 Filezilla 上测试凭据和服务器主机来检查凭据和服务器主机是否良好。
有人能帮我吗 ?谢谢