对于我在业余时间实现的视频游戏,我尝试使用查找表实现我自己的 sinf()、cosf() 和 atan2f() 版本。目的是使实现速度更快,但准确性较低。
我的初始实现如下。这些函数工作,并返回良好的近似值。唯一的问题是它们比调用标准 sinf()、cosf() 和 atan2f() 函数要慢。
// Geometry.h includes definitions of PI, TWO_PI, etc., as
// well as the prototypes for the public functions
#include "Geometry.h"
namespace {
// Number of entries in the sin/cos lookup table
const int SinTableCount = 512;
// Angle covered by each table entry
const float SinTableDelta = TWO_PI / (float)SinTableCount;
// Lookup table for Sin() results
float SinTable[SinTableCount];
// This object initializes the contents of the SinTable array exactly once
class SinTableInitializer {
SinTableInitializer() {
for (int i = 0; i < SinTableCount; ++i) {
SinTable[i] = sinf((float)i * SinTableDelta);
static SinTableInitializer sinTableInitializer;
// Number of entries in the atan lookup table
const int AtanTableCount = 512;
// Interval covered by each Atan table entry
const float AtanTableDelta = 1.0f / (float)AtanTableCount;
// Lookup table for Atan() results
float AtanTable[AtanTableCount];
// This object initializes the contents of the AtanTable array exactly once
class AtanTableInitializer {
AtanTableInitializer() {
for (int i = 0; i < AtanTableCount; ++i) {
AtanTable[i] = atanf((float)i * AtanTableDelta);
static AtanTableInitializer atanTableInitializer;
// Lookup result in table.
// Preconditions: y > 0, x > 0, y < x
static float AtanLookup2(float y, float x) {
assert(y > 0.0f);
assert(x > 0.0f);
assert(y < x);
const float ratio = y / x;
const int index = (int)(ratio / AtanTableDelta);
return AtanTable[index];
float Sin(float angle) {
// If angle is negative, reflect around X-axis and negate result
bool mustNegateResult = false;
if (angle < 0.0f) {
mustNegateResult = true;
angle = -angle;
// Normalize angle so that it is in the interval (0.0, PI)
while (angle >= TWO_PI) {
angle -= TWO_PI;
const int index = (int)(angle / SinTableDelta);
const float result = SinTable[index];
return mustNegateResult? (-result) : result;
float Cos(float angle) {
return Sin(angle + PI_2);
float Atan2(float y, float x) {
// Handle x == 0 or x == -0
// (See atan2(3) for specification of sign-bit handling.)
if (x == 0.0f) {
if (y > 0.0f) {
return PI_2;
else if (y < 0.0f) {
return -PI_2;
else if (signbit(x)) {
return signbit(y)? -PI : PI;
else {
return signbit(y)? -0.0f : 0.0f;
// Handle y == 0, x != 0
if (y == 0.0f) {
return (x > 0.0f)? 0.0f : PI;
// Handle y == x
if (y == x) {
return (x > 0.0f)? PI_4 : -(3.0f * PI_4);
// Handle y == -x
if (y == -x) {
return (x > 0.0f)? -PI_4 : (3.0f * PI_4);
// For other cases, determine quadrant and do appropriate lookup and calculation
bool right = (x > 0.0f);
bool top = (y > 0.0f);
if (right && top) {
// First quadrant
if (y < x) {
return AtanLookup2(y, x);
else {
return PI_2 - AtanLookup2(x, y);
else if (!right && top) {
// Second quadrant
const float posx = fabsf(x);
if (y < posx) {
return PI - AtanLookup2(y, posx);
else {
return PI_2 + AtanLookup2(posx, y);
else if (!right && !top) {
// Third quadrant
const float posx = fabsf(x);
const float posy = fabsf(y);
if (posy < posx) {
return -PI + AtanLookup2(posy, posx);
else {
return -PI_2 - AtanLookup2(posx, posy);
else { // right && !top
// Fourth quadrant
const float posy = fabsf(y);
if (posy < x) {
return -AtanLookup2(posy, x);
else {
return -PI_2 + AtanLookup2(x, posy);
return 0.0f;