我正在使用 parallelStream() 解析 CSV 文件,并注意到一些奇怪的行为。有问题的代码在这里:

public List<AddressRaw> parseAddress(List<CSVRecord> records) {

    return records.subList(1, records.size())
            .flatMap(record -> {

                // There should only be 10 columns in the CSV
                if (record.size() > 10) {
                    log.error("Too many columns were detected on row number " + record.getRecordNumber());
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many columns were detected on row number " + record.getRecordNumber());


 try {
        // csv files are identified by either text/csv or application/vnd.ms-excel
        if (file.isEmpty() || Objects.isNull(file.getContentType()) || !(file.getContentType().equals("text/csv") || file.getContentType().equals("application/vnd.ms-excel"))) {
            log.error("File uploaded is not a csv");
            throw new BadRequestException("File uploaded is not a csv");

        List<CSVRecord> records = CSVHelper.recordsFromBytes(file.getBytes());

        // convert the rows into a format mirroring a db transit time
        List<AddressRaw> rawAddresss = addressService.parseAddress(records);
        if (rawAddresss.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BadRequestException("No addresses found");

        // execute the upsert in batches (Upserts count as two changes, as the insert fails then an update occurs)
        Integer addressesInserted = addressService.batchInsertAddresses(rawAddresss, targetUserId);

        LocalDateTime end = LocalDateTime.now();
        log.info("Upserted {} AddressRaw records in: {}ms", addressesInserted, start.until(end, ChronoUnit.MILLIS));

        return ResponseEntity.ok(addressesInserted);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("Unable to parse csv file: ", e);
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        log.error("Unable to execute SQL: ", e);

例如,有时我在前端得到的错误是“在第 3 行检测到太多列”,这是我所期望的。有时我得到的错误是“java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:在第 3 行检测到太多列”,我不确定为什么它也会打印出异常名称?我在这里缺少什么吗?


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