所以我的一个朋友在 Adob​​e XD 中设计了一个完整的网站,包括一个登录/注册表单,但我们不知道如何将它连接到数据库(最简单的方法)以及我们应该使用什么来导出数据。我们希望用户输入表单的数据也得到验证,例如它是否与电子邮件表单匹配,或者密码是否包含字母和数字。要遵循的一些步骤以及我们应该使用什么将非常有帮助。谢谢!


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You first need to convert the adobexd design to working html/css. You can do that with Desech Studio.

Once you have your website done with html/css, you then need to use client side javascript to make api calls to fetch data for login, etc. But this api is something you need to create with node.js as the programming language and with postgresql as your database.

All these are just examples. You can use different programming languages and databases on your backend. But the HTML/CSS/Javascript is mandatory because that's what websites are built with in the end.

于 2021-07-14T14:22:12.693 回答