是否可以在 pvmismatch 中使用 pvlib 模块的 cec 模块?我尝试使用 cec 模块的值来实现它。

Rsh= parametersw.R_sh_ref*parameters.N_s,
Isc0_T0= parametersw.I_L_ref,

并将这些单元格放入不匹配模块中,我收到的值:voc isc vmp imp,比预期的低 3V。


3 回答 3



话虽如此,使用相同(按比例缩放)的电阻可能没问题,您可以尝试调整 Isat1 和 Isat2 以更接近您的预期。这可能对您的应用程序来说不够好,也可能不够好。

于 2020-11-27T20:19:14.467 回答

如果您愿意做一些额外的工作,您可以gen_coeffs使用pvmismatch.contrib. 有关使用来自桑迪亚阵列性能模型库的加拿大太阳能模块的示例,请参阅此讨论。您所需要的只是 STC 的主要特征、一点运气和一些肘部油脂,您就可以做到。

例如,如果使用 CEC 模块:

Making 2-diode modules from CEC in PVMismatch

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pvlib
from pvmismatch import *
from pvmismatch.contrib import gen_coeffs

cecmod = pvlib.pvsystem.retrieve_sam('CECMod')
csmods = cecmod.columns[cecmod.T.index.str.startswith('Canadian')]
len(csmods)  # 409 modules in CEC library!
cs6x_300m = cecmod[csmods[264]]  # CS6X-300M Canadian Solar 300W mono-Si module

args = (
    cs6x_300m.N_s,  # number of series cells
    1,              # number of parallel sub-strings
    25.0)           # cell temperature

# try to solve using default coeffs
x, sol = gen_coeffs.gen_two_diode(*args)

# solver fails, so get the last guess before it quit
def last_guess(sol):
    isat1 = np.exp(sol.x[0])
    isat2 = np.exp(sol.x[1])
    rs = sol.x[2] ** 2.0
    rsh = sol.x[3] ** 2.0
    return isat1, isat2, rs, rsh
x = last_guess(sol)

# the series and shunt resistance solver guess are way off, so reset them
# with something reasonable for a 2-diode model
x, sol = gen_coeffs.gen_two_diode(*args, x0=(x[0], x[1], 0.005, 10.0))

# Hooray, it worked! Note that the 1-diode and 2-diode parametres are so
# different! Anyway, let's make a cell and a module to check the solution.
pvc = pvcell.PVcell(
np.isclose(pvc.Isc, cs6x_300m.I_sc_ref)  # ha-ha, this exact b/c we used it
# open circuit voltage within 1E-3: (45.01267251639085, 45.0)
np.isclose(pvc.Voc*cs6x_300m.N_s, cs6x_300m.V_oc_ref, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)

# get index max power point
mpp = np.argmax(pvc.Pcell)

# max power voltage within 1E-3: (36.50580418834946, 36.5)
np.isclose(pvc.Vcell[mpp][0]*cs6x_300m.N_s, cs6x_300m.V_mp_ref, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
# max power current within 1E-3: (8.218687568902466, 8.22)
np.isclose(pvc.Icell[mpp][0], cs6x_300m.I_mp_ref, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)

# use pvlib to get the full IV curve using CEC model
params1stc = pvlib.pvsystem.calcparams_cec(effective_irradiance=1000,
    temp_cell=25.0, alpha_sc=cs6x_300m.alpha_sc, a_ref=cs6x_300m.a_ref,
    I_L_ref=cs6x_300m.I_L_ref, I_o_ref=cs6x_300m.I_o_ref, R_sh_ref=cs6x_300m.R_sh_ref,
    R_s=cs6x_300m.R_s, Adjust=cs6x_300m.Adjust)
iv_params1stc = pvlib.pvsystem.singlediode(*params1stc, ivcurve_pnts=100, method='newton')

# use pvmm to get full IV curve using 2-diode model parameters
pvm = pvmodule.PVmodule(cell_pos=pvmodule.STD72, pvcells=[pvc]*72)

# make some comparison plots
pvm.plotMod()  # plot the pvmm module

# get axes for IV curve
f, ax = plt.gcf(), plt.gca()
ax0 = f.axes[0]
ax0.plot(iv_params1stc['v'], iv_params1stc['i'], '--')
ax0.plot(0, iv_params1stc['i_sc'], '|k')
ax0.plot(iv_params1stc['v_oc'], 0, '|k')
ax0.plot(iv_params1stc['v_mp'], iv_params1stc['i_mp'], '|k')
ax0.set_ylim([0, 10])

ax0.plot(0, pvm.Isc.mean(), '_k')
ax0.plot(pvm.Voc.sum(), 0, '|k')

mpp = np.argmax(pvm.Pmod)
ax0.plot(pvm.Vcell[mpp], mpp.Icell[mpp], '_k')
ax0.plot(pvm.Vmod[mpp], pvm.Imod[mpp], '_k')

iv_params1stc['p'] = iv_params1stc['v'] * iv_params1stc['i']
ax1.plot(iv_params1stc['v'], iv_params1stc['p'], '--')

ax1.plot(iv_params1stc['v_mp'], iv_params1stc['p_mp'], '|k')
ax1.plot(pvm.Vmod[mpp], pvm.Pmod[mpp], '_k')

你可以得到非常接近的协议: CS6X-300M

于 2021-03-05T02:44:37.013 回答

您不能定义如下: Isat1_T0=parametersw.I_o_ref, Isat2_T0=0,

原因是 PVmismatch 的理想因子是 n1=1 和 n2=2。但是,如果要使用一种二极管模型,则必须输入理想因子 n。

如果您仍然想使用一种二极管模型进行 PVmismatch,正确的方法是您需要在此版本中重写“PVcell”模块。我试着写一下,你可以参考。

enter code here
This module contains the :class:`~pvmismatch.pvmismatch_lib.pvcell.PVcell`
object which is used by modules, strings and systems.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from future.utils import iteritems
from pvmismatch.pvmismatch_lib.pvconstants import PVconstants
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import newton

# Defaults
RS = 0.0038  # [ohm] series resistance
RSH = 500  # [ohm] shunt resistance
Gamma = 0.97
ISAT1_T0 = 2.76E-11  # [A] diode one saturation current
ISC0_T0 = 9.87  # [A] reference short circuit current
TCELL = 298.15  # [K] cell temperature
ARBD = 2E-3  # reverse breakdown coefficient 1
BRBD = 0.  # reverse breakdown coefficient 2
VRBD_ = -20  # [V] reverse breakdown voltage
NRBD = 3.28  # reverse breakdown exponent
EG = 1.1  # [eV] band gap of cSi
ALPHA_ISC = 0.0005  # [1/K] short circuit current temperature coefficient
EPS = np.finfo(np.float64).eps

class PVcell(object):
    Class for PV cells.

    :param Rs: series resistance [ohms]
    :param Rsh: shunt resistance [ohms]
    :param Isat1_T0: first saturation diode current at ref temp [A]
    :param Isat2_T0: second saturation diode current [A]
    :param Isc0_T0: short circuit current at ref temp [A]
    :param aRBD: reverse breakdown coefficient 1
    :param bRBD: reverse breakdown coefficient 2
    :param VRBD: reverse breakdown voltage [V]
    :param nRBD: reverse breakdown exponent
    :param Eg: band gap [eV]
    :param alpha_Isc: short circuit current temp coeff [1/K]
    :param Tcell: cell temperature [K]
    :param Ee: incident effective irradiance [suns]
    :param pvconst: configuration constants object
    :type pvconst: :class:`~pvmismatch.pvmismatch_lib.pvconstants.PVconstants`

    _calc_now = False  #: if True ``calcCells()`` is called in ``__setattr__``

    def __init__(self, Rs=RS, Rsh=RSH, Isat1_T0=ISAT1_T0, Gamma=Gamma,
                 Isc0_T0=ISC0_T0, aRBD=ARBD, bRBD=BRBD, VRBD=VRBD_,
                 nRBD=NRBD, Eg=EG, alpha_Isc=ALPHA_ISC,
                 Tcell=TCELL, Ee=1., pvconst=PVconstants()):
        # user inputs
        self.Rs = Rs  #: [ohm] series resistance
        self.Rsh = Rsh  #: [ohm] shunt resistance
        self.Isat1_T0 = Isat1_T0  #: [A] diode one sat. current at T0
        self.Gamma = Gamma  #:  ideal factor
        self.Isc0_T0 = Isc0_T0  #: [A] short circuit current at T0
        self.aRBD = aRBD  #: reverse breakdown coefficient 1
        self.bRBD = bRBD  #: reverse breakdown coefficient 2
        self.VRBD = VRBD  #: [V] reverse breakdown voltage
        self.nRBD = nRBD  #: reverse breakdown exponent
        self.Eg = Eg  #: [eV] band gap of cSi
        self.alpha_Isc = alpha_Isc  #: [1/K] short circuit temp. coeff.
        self.Tcell = Tcell  #: [K] cell temperature
        self.Ee = Ee  #: [suns] incident effective irradiance on cell
        self.pvconst = pvconst  #: configuration constants
        self.Icell = None  #: cell currents on IV curve [A]
        self.Vcell = None  #: cell voltages on IV curve [V]
        self.Pcell = None  #: cell power on IV curve [W]
        self.VocSTC = self._VocSTC()  #: estimated Voc at STC [V]
        # set calculation flag
        self._calc_now = True  # overwrites the class attribute

    def __str__(self):
        fmt = '<PVcell(Ee=%g[suns], Tcell=%g[K], Isc=%g[A], Voc=%g[V])>'
        return fmt % (self.Ee, self.Tcell, self.Isc, self.Voc)

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        # check for floats
            value = np.float64(value)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            pass  # fail silently if not float, eg: pvconst or _calc_now
        super(PVcell, self).__setattr__(key, value)
        # recalculate IV curve
        if self._calc_now:
            Icell, Vcell, Pcell = self.calcCell()
            self.__dict__.update(Icell=Icell, Vcell=Vcell, Pcell=Pcell)

    def update(self, **kwargs):
        Update user-defined constants.
        # turn off calculation flag until all attributes are updated
        self._calc_now = False
        # don't use __dict__.update() instead use setattr() to go through
        # custom __setattr__() so that numbers are cast to floats
        for k, v in iteritems(kwargs):
            setattr(self, k, v)
        self._calc_now = True  # recalculate

    def Vt(self):
        Thermal voltage in volts.
        return self.pvconst.k * self.Tcell / self.pvconst.q

    def Isc(self):
        return self.Ee * self.Isc0

    def Aph(self):
        Photogenerated current coefficient, non-dimensional.
        # Aph is undefined (0/0) if there is no irradiance
        if self.Isc == 0: return np.nan
        # short current (SC) conditions (Vcell = 0)
        Vdiode_sc = self.Isc * self.Rs  # diode voltage at SC
        Idiode1_sc = self.Isat1 * (np.exp(Vdiode_sc / (self.Gamma*self.Vt)) - 1.)
        Ishunt_sc = Vdiode_sc / self.Rsh  # diode voltage at SC
        # photogenerated current coefficient
        return 1. + (Idiode1_sc + Ishunt_sc) / self.Isc

    def Isat1(self):
        Diode one saturation current at Tcell in amps.
        _Tstar = self.Tcell ** 3. / self.pvconst.T0 ** 3.  # scaled temperature
        _inv_delta_T = 1. / self.pvconst.T0 - 1. / self.Tcell  # [1/K]
        _expTstar = np.exp(
            self.Eg * self.pvconst.q / (self.pvconst.k * self.Gamma) * _inv_delta_T
        return self.Isat1_T0 * _Tstar * _expTstar  # [A] Isat1(Tcell)

    def Isc0(self):
        Short circuit current at Tcell in amps.
        _delta_T = self.Tcell - self.pvconst.T0  # [K] temperature difference
        return self.Isc0_T0 * (1. + self.alpha_Isc * _delta_T)  # [A] Isc0

    def Voc(self):
        Estimate open circuit voltage of cells.
        Returns Voc : numpy.ndarray of float, estimated open circuit voltage

        return self.Vt * self.Gamma * np.log((self.Aph * self.Isc)/self.Isat1_T0 + 1)

    def _VocSTC(self):
        Estimate open circuit voltage of cells.
        Returns Voc : numpy.ndarray of float, estimated open circuit voltage
        Vdiode_sc = self.Isc0_T0 * self.Rs  # diode voltage at SC
        Idiode1_sc = self.Isat1_T0 * (np.exp(Vdiode_sc / (self.Gamma*self.Vt)) - 1.)
        Ishunt_sc = Vdiode_sc / self.Rsh  # diode voltage at SC
        # photogenerated current coefficient
        Aph = 1. + (Idiode1_sc + Ishunt_sc) / self.Isc0_T0
        # estimated Voc at STC
        return self.Vt * self.Gamma * np.log((Aph * self.Isc0_T0)/self.Isat1_T0 + 1)

    def Igen(self):
        Photovoltaic generated light current (AKA IL or Iph)
        Returns Igen : numpy.ndarray of float, PV generated light current [A]

        Photovoltaic generated light current is zero if irradiance is zero.
        if self.Ee == 0: return 0
        return self.Aph * self.Isc

    def calcCell(self):
        Calculate cell I-V curves.
        Returns (Icell, Vcell, Pcell) : tuple of numpy.ndarray of float
        Vreverse = self.VRBD * self.pvconst.negpts
        Vff = self.Voc
        delta_Voc = self.VocSTC - self.Voc
        # to make sure that the max voltage is always in the 4th quadrant, add
        # a third set of points log spaced with decreasing density, from Voc to
        # Voc @ STC unless Voc *is* Voc @ STC, then use an arbitrary voltage at
        # 80% of Voc as an estimate of Vmp assuming a fill factor of 80% and
        # Isc close to Imp, or if Voc > Voc @ STC, then use Voc as the max
        if delta_Voc == 0:
            Vff = 0.8 * self.Voc
            delta_Voc = 0.2 * self.Voc
        elif delta_Voc < 0:
            Vff = self.VocSTC
            delta_Voc = -delta_Voc
        Vquad4 = Vff + delta_Voc * self.pvconst.Vmod_q4pts
        Vforward = Vff * self.pvconst.pts
        Vdiode = np.concatenate((Vreverse, Vforward, Vquad4), axis=0)
        Idiode1 = self.Isat1 * (np.exp(Vdiode / (self.Gamma*self.Vt)) - 1.)
        Ishunt = Vdiode / self.Rsh
        fRBD = 1. - Vdiode / self.VRBD
        # use epsilon = 2.2204460492503131e-16 to avoid "divide by zero"
        fRBD[fRBD == 0] = EPS
        Vdiode_norm = Vdiode / self.Rsh / self.Isc0_T0
        fRBD = self.Isc0_T0 * fRBD ** (-self.nRBD)
        IRBD = (self.aRBD * Vdiode_norm + self.bRBD * Vdiode_norm ** 2) * fRBD 
        Icell = self.Igen - Idiode1 - Ishunt - IRBD
        Vcell = Vdiode - Icell * self.Rs
        Pcell = Icell * Vcell
        return Icell, Vcell, Pcell

    # diode model
    #  *-->--*--->---*--Rs->-Icell--+
    #  ^     |       |              ^
    #  |     |       |              |
    # Igen  Idiode  Ishunt         Vcell
    #  |     |       |              |
    #  |     v       v              v
    #  *--<--*---<---*--<-----------=
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diode_modelling#Shockley_diode_model
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diode#Shockley_diode_equation
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shockley

    def f_Icell(Icell, Vcell, Igen, Rs, Vt, Isat1, Rsh):
        Objective function for Icell.
        :param Icell: cell current [A]
        :param Vcell: cell voltage [V]
        :param Igen: photogenerated current at Tcell and Ee [A]
        :param Rs: series resistance [ohms]
        :param Vt: thermal voltage [V]
        :param Isat1: first diode saturation current at Tcell [A]
        :param Isat2: second diode saturation current [A]
        :param Rsh: shunt resistance [ohms]
        :return: residual = (Icell - Icell0) [A]
        # arbitrary current condition
        Vdiode = Vcell + Icell * Rs  # diode voltage
        Idiode1 = Isat1 * (np.exp(Vdiode / (Gamma * Vt)) - 1.)  # diode current
        Ishunt = Vdiode / Rsh  # shunt current
        return Igen - Idiode1 - Ishunt - Icell

    def calcIcell(self, Vcell):
        Calculate Icell as a function of Vcell.
        :param Vcell: cell voltage [V]
        :return: Icell
        args = (np.float64(Vcell), self.Igen, self.Rs, self.Vt,
        return newton(self.f_Icell, x0=self.Isc, args=args)

    def f_Vcell(Vcell, Icell, Igen, Rs, Vt, Isat1, Rsh):
        return PVcell.f_Icell(Icell, Vcell, Igen, Rs, Vt, Isat1, Rsh)

    def calcVcell(self, Icell):
        Calculate Vcell as a function of Icell.
        :param Icell: cell current [A]
        :return: Vcell
        args = (np.float64(Icell), self.Igen, self.Rs, self.Vt,
                self.Isat1, self.Rsh)
        return newton(self.f_Vcell, x0=self.Voc, args=args)
于 2021-11-23T08:07:01.587 回答