adv = mpcalc.advection(temp_850 * units.kelvin, [u_wind_850, v_wind_850],
(dx, dy), dim_order='yx') * units('K/sec')
The order of the dimensions of the arrays must match the order in which
the wind components are given. For example, if the winds are given [u, v],
then the scalar and wind arrays must be indexed as x,y (which puts x as the
rows, not columns).
在我看来,示例中的 dim_order 应该是 xy 而不是 yx?当我们给 u 然后是 v,然后是 dx 然后是 dy,而不是反过来呢?
我还发现,即使我的输入温度场在某些网格点有缺失值,metpy 仍然以某种方式返回这些点处的平流值,而不是缺失值。这怎么可能?