这可能是一个相当复杂的问题,因为你们中的很多人可能不知道我正在为其编写它的软件:Autodesk Maya 2011。我正在尝试加快一个乏味缓慢的过程(装配:赋予 3d 角色的能力移动)通过编写一个自动执行它的脚本。
问题:有三个不同的列表,它们都是相同的对象类型,但名称不同,它们实际上是不同的对象。我的目标是通过生成名为“blendcolors”的节点将它们连接在一起。但是,如果我有一个循环来为列表 A 中的每个对象生成它们,那么我需要将它们也连接到其他列表中的对象的循环,我无法弄清楚这一点。
import maya.cmds as cmds
def crBC(IKJoint, FKJoint, bindJoint, xQuan, switch):
# gets children joints of the selected joint
chHipIK = cmds.listRelatives(IKJoint, ad = True, type = 'joint')
chHipFK = cmds.listRelatives(FKJoint, ad = True, type = 'joint')
chHipBind = cmds.listRelatives(bindJoint, ad = True, type = 'joint')
# list is built backwards, this reverses the list
# appends the initial joint to the list
# puts the last joint at the start of the list because the initial joint
# was added to the end
chHipIK.insert(0, chHipIK.pop())
chHipFK.insert(0, chHipFK.pop())
chHipBind.insert(0, chHipBind.pop())
# pops off the remaining joints in the list the user does not wish to be blended
chHipBind[xQuan:] = []
chHipIK[xQuan:] = []
chHipFK[xQuan:] = []
# goes through the bind joints, makes a blend colors for each one, connects
# the switch to the blender
for a in chHipBind
rotBC = cmds.shadingNode('blendColors', asUtility = True, n = a + 'rotate_BC')
tranBC = cmds.shadingNode('blendColors', asUtility = True, n = a + 'tran_BC')
scaleBC = cmds.shadingNode('blendColors', asUtility = True, n = a + 'scale_BC')
cmds.connectAttr(switch + '.ikFkSwitch', rotBC + '.blender')
cmds.connectAttr(switch + '.ikFkSwitch', tranBC + '.blender')
cmds.connectAttr(switch + '.ikFkSwitch', scaleBC + '.blender')
# goes through the ik joints, connects to the blend colors
for b in chHipIK:
cmds.connectAttr(b + '.rotate', rotBC + '.color1')
cmds.connectAttr(b + '.translate', tranBC + '.color1')
cmds.connectAttr(b + '.scale', scaleBC + '.color1')
# connects FK joints to the blend colors
for c in chHipFK:
cmds.connectAttr(c + '.rotate', rotBC + '.color2')
cmds.connectAttr(c + '.translate', tranBC + '.color2')
cmds.connectAttr(c + '.scale', scaleBC + '.color2')
# connects blend colors to bind joints
cmds.connectAttr(rotBC + '.output', d + '.rotate')
cmds.connectAttr(tranBC + '.output', d + '.translate')
cmds.connectAttr(scaleBC + '.output', d + '.scale')
# executes function
crBC('L_hip_IK', 'L_hip_FK', 'L_hip_JNT', 6, 'L_legSwitch_CTRL')