以下简单的控制台应用程序提供了使用.NET C++/CLI的FindAll()
这适用于不支持 lambdas 的 Visual Studio 2005。由于您的示例使用的是 Windows 窗体,因此我在此 Windows 控制台应用程序中提供了一个额外的类,Predicate
- 使用没有对象的类静态函数
- 使用需要在使用之前创建对象的类方法
- 一个简单的 C 风格函数,它不是类中的方法
// _scrap_net.cpp : main project file.
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
public ref class Thing1
int iDiv; // divisor if specified
static bool IsEven(int i){ // static usable without creating an object
return (i % 2) == 0; // even number if division has no remainder
static bool IsOdd(int i){ // static usable without creating an object
return (i % 2) != 0; // odd numbered if division has remainder
bool IsDivisibleBy (int i) { // non-static must create object before using
return (i % iDiv) == 0; // check if division has remainder
bool IsNotDivisibleBy (int i) { // non-static must create object before using
return (i % iDiv) != 0; // check if division has remainder
Thing1(void) { iDiv = 2; } // standard constructor
Thing1(int i) { iDiv = i; } // constructor with argument to use IsDivisibleBy()
// standalone function used rather than a class function
bool IsLessThan10 (int i) {
return i < 10;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
// sample array of some integers for our example
array<int> ^numbers = gcnew array<int>{
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
// our format string to use when printing the array values
String ^ fmt = gcnew String(L" {0,6}");
// use a static function in a class as the predicate so object not needed
array<int> ^even = Array::FindAll(numbers, gcnew Predicate<int>(&Thing1::IsEven));
Console::WriteLine (L"\n even ");
for each (int jj in even) {
Console::Write(fmt, jj);
// use a standard function as the predicate so class not needed
array<int> ^lessThan10 = Array::FindAll(numbers, gcnew Predicate<int>(&IsLessThan10));
Console::WriteLine (L"\n lessThan10 ");
for each (int jj in lessThan10) {
Console::Write(fmt, jj);
// use a special divisor so create an object with that value and use it.
Thing1 ^ myDiv = gcnew Thing1(3);
// need to specify the object for the object method in the predicate
array<int> ^divBy3 = Array::FindAll(numbers, gcnew Predicate<int>(myDiv, &Thing1::IsDivisibleBy));
Console::WriteLine (L"\n divBy3 ");
for each (int jj in divBy3) {
Console::Write(fmt, jj);
// need to specify the object for the object method in the predicate
array<int> ^notDivBy3 = Array::FindAll(numbers, gcnew Predicate<int>(myDiv, &Thing1::IsNotDivisibleBy));
Console::WriteLine (L"\n notDivBy3 ");
for each (int jj in notDivBy3) {
Console::Write(fmt, jj);
Console::WriteLine (L"\nEnd");
return 0;
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 6 9 12
1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 13 14