我的 golang 服务需要在 Timescale DB 中动态创建一个超表。我使用pgx
func (s *Storage) CreateHyperTableBatch(ctx context.Context, tableName string) error {
indexName := "idx_" + tableName
conn, _ := s.pool.Acquire(ctx)
defer conn.Release()
b := pgx.Batch{}
b.Queue(fmt.Sprintf(`create table if not exists public.%s (
ts timestamptz primary key not null,
data jsonb not null
`, tableName))
b.Queue(fmt.Sprintf(`create index if not exists public.%s on public.%s using gin (data);`, indexName, tableName))
b.Queue(fmt.Sprintf(`select create_hypertable('%s', 'ts', if_not_exists => true);`, tableName))
batchResult := conn.SendBatch(ctx, &b)
defer func() { _ = batchResult.Close() }()
_, _ = batchResult.Exec()
return nil
failed to create tableTwo: failed to run query: ERROR: relation "tabletwo" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)
func (s *Storage) CreateHyperTable(ctx context.Context, tableName string) error {
indexName := "idx_" + tableName
conn, _ := s.pool.Acquire(ctx)
defer conn.Release()
_, _ := conn.Exec(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(`create table if not exists %s (
ts timestamptz primary key not null,
data jsonb not null
`, tableName))
_, _ := conn.Exec(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(`create index if not exists %s on %s using gin (data);`, indexName, tableName))
_, _ := conn.Exec(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(`select create_hypertable('%s', 'ts', if_not_exists => true);`, tableName))
return nil
我想问题在于 timescale db 需要创建一个普通表并提交以创建一个超表。是对的还是有什么问题?有没有人遇到过这个问题,你是如何解决的?