我正在尝试编写一种查找方法,用于根据与用户/系统相关的一些参数来确定要发送给用户的 SMS 消息。我们将使用默认消息作为最后的手段,但是有多种方法可以通过各种参数覆盖消息。这是我到目前为止的查找查询 - 有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?也许查找不是正确的方法?
ID bigint PK
Key varchar
CampaignTypeID bigint FK,
ServiceProviderID bigint FK nullable, -- optional override parameter
DistributorID bigint FK nullable, -- optional override parameter
CampaignID bigint FK nullable, -- optional override parameter
Message varchar
ID Key CTID SPID DistID CampID Message
1 Help 1 NULL NULL NULL 'This is the default message'
2 Help 1 375 NULL NULL 'This is the SP375 message'
3 Help 1 377 NULL NULL 'This is the SP377 message'
4 Help 1 NULL 13 NULL 'This is the Dist13 message'
5 Help 1 375 13 NULL 'This is the SP375/Dist13 message'
6 Help 1 NULL 13 500 'This is the Dist13/Camp500 message'
7 Help 1 375 13 500 'This is the SP375/Dist13/Camp500 msg'
8 Help 1 NULL NULL 500 'This is the Camp500 help message'
--top 1
from MessageLookup ml
where ml.[Key] = @Key
and ml.CampaignTypeID = @CampaignTypeID
ml.ServiceProviderID = @ServiceProviderID or
ml.ServiceProviderID is null
ml.DistributorID = @DistributorID or
ml.DistributorID is null
ml.CampaignID = @CampaignID or
ml.CampaignID is null
order by
CampaignID desc, -- highest precedence lookup param
DistributorID desc,
ServiceProviderID desc -- lowest precedence lookup param