在我尝试将列除以 max_min 向量之前,一切都很完美。它似乎在每一列中都有效,但在年龄列中无效,但我似乎找不到原因。
我之前已经拆分数据进行测试和训练,下面我尝试缩放 X_train 数据。
# Working out the min value for each column and subtracting this from each row in the data
X_train_min = np.array(X_train0.min())
X_train0.sub(X_train_min.squeeze(), axis=1)
从上面的代码中,我获得了一个表,其中每个值都减去了其列的最小值,这是正确的。输出: 输出
# Working out the max value for each column and the difference between the max and min values
X_train_max = np.array(X_train0.max())
max_min = np.array(X_train0.max()) - np.array(X_train0.min())
[ 56 1 3 2 4 3 18174 56 7]
# Dividing each row in the data by the difference between the max and min values of its column
X_train0.div(max_min, axis=1)
我已经获得了一个表格,其中每个值都除以向量,除了第一列“年龄”,其中数字不对应于除法。输出: 输出