I am having a problem with Android Studio 4.1 where particular things that should show up as dialogs(like tip of the day or an update dialog) are displayed as fullscreen tabs and then Android Studio becomes unresponsive, CPU usage goes through the roof and the fan kicks in almost immediately, and I have to force it to quit.

This is happening on Mac and I recently updated to macOs Big Sur but everything was working fine until 2 days ago when this started happening so I don't if I hit some key combination to make this happen or something else is wrong.

I deleted and reinstalled Android Studio but the problem still persists. Below is a screenshot of this happening when I had just got an alert about a Gradle Update and I clicked on update.


On trying to find out further what the problem could be, this only occurs when the Android Studio window is in maximised/fullscreen mode

enter image description here


1 回答 1


我在全屏时遇到了同样的问题,它似乎与 big sur 有关,我不得不在终端上运行它并重新启动 android studio

defaults write com.google.android.studio AppleWindowTabbingMode manual

我在这里找到了提示:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/64837992/2551801


于 2020-11-20T20:07:43.480 回答