我正在为我的后端服务器使用 typegoose 和 nestjs。我的pages.service.ts文件中已经有一个函数可以按 ID 获取单个页面,称为getPageById(). 当我尝试从pages.services.ts文件中的另一个调用此函数时,打字稿出现以下错误:

Property 'save' does not exist on type 'page'


import { DocumentType, modelOptions, prop, Severity } from "@typegoose/typegoose";
import { Content } from "./models/content.model";

    schemaOptions: {
        timestamps: true,
        toJSON: {
            transform: (doc: DocumentType<Page>, ret) => {
                delete ret.__v;
                ret.id = ret._id;
                delete ret._id;
    options: {
        allowMixed: Severity.ALLOW
export class Page {
    @prop({required: true})
    title: string;

    @prop({required: true})
    description: string;

    @prop({required: true})
    content: Content;

    createdAt?: Date;

    updatedAt?: Date;

    category: string;


import { Injectable, NotFoundException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ReturnModelType } from '@typegoose/typegoose';
import { InjectModel } from 'nestjs-typegoose';
import { createPageDto } from './dto/create-page.dto';
import { Page } from './page.entity';

export class PagesService {
        private readonly pageModel: ReturnModelType<typeof Page>
    ) {}

    async getPageById(id: string): Promise<Page> {
        let page;
        try {
            page = await this.pageModel.findById(id);
        } catch (error) {
            throw new NotFoundException(`Page could not be found`);
        if (!page) {
            throw new NotFoundException(`Page could not bet found`);
        return page;

    async updatePageCategory(id: string, category: string): Promise<Page> {
        const page = await this.getPageById(id);
        page.category = category;
        page.save() // i get the error here
        return page;




async getPageById(id: string): Promise<DocumentType<Page>> {
    let page;
    try {
        page = await this.pageModel.findById(id);
    } catch (error) {
        throw new NotFoundException(`Page could not be found`);
    if (!page) {
        throw new NotFoundException(`Page could not bet found`);
    return page;



1 回答 1

 async updatePageCategory(id: string, category: string): Promise<Page> {
        const page = await this.getPageById(id);
        page.category = category;
        this.pageModel.save(page) // this is the solution
        return page;
于 2021-06-26T16:18:50.920 回答