我在墙上砸了我的头,因为我不明白为什么如果我使用脚本、python 甚至单行命令,只能在第一次运行时工作,然后在以下执行时无法再次连接到设备.
在 Raspberry Pi 4 上运行,带有最新的 Raspberry OS 和 bluez 堆栈。


如果我手动输入 gatttool 交互,每次都可以正常工作。

pi@sp-pi002:~ $ sudo gatttool -i hci0 -b 02:10:32:20:00:AA -I <br>
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> connect <br>
Attempting to connect to 02:10:32:20:00:AA <br>
Connection successful <br>
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> char-write-req 0x0123 01126338221102234106DE <br>
Characteristic value was written successfully <br>
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> char-write-req 0x0123 0112633822110223410621 <br>
Characteristic value was written successfully <br>
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> disconnect <br>
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> exit <br>
pi@sp-pi002:~ $ <br>



pi@sp-pi002:~ $ (sleep 1; echo "connect"; sleep 4; echo "char-write-req 0x0123 01126338221102234106DE"; sleep 10; echo "char-write-req 0x0123 0112633822110223410621"; sleep 1; echo "disconnect"; sleep 1; echo "exit"; echo "sudo hciconfig hci0 reset") | sudo gatttool -i hci0 -b 02:10:32:20:00:AAA -I
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> connect
Attempting to connect to 02:10:32:20:00:AA
Connection successful
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> char-write-req 0x0123 01126338221102234106DE
Characteristic value was written successfully
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> char-write-req 0x0123 0112633822110223410621
Characteristic value was written successfully
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> disconnect
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> exit
pi@sp-pi002:~ $ (sleep 1; echo "connect"; sleep 4; echo "char-write-req 0x0123 01126338221102234106DE"; sleep 10; echo "char-write-req 0x0123 0112633822110223410621"; sleep 1; echo "disconnect"; sleep 1; echo "exit"; echo "sudo hciconfig hci0 reset") | sudo gatttool -i hci0 -b 02:10:32:20:00:AA -I
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> connect
Attempting to connect to 01:02:03:04:05:AA
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> char-write-req 0x0123 01126338221102234106DE
Command Failed: Disconnected
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> char-write-req 0x0123 0112633822110223410621
Command Failed: Disconnected
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> disconnect
[02:10:32:20:00:AA][LE]> exit
pi@sp-pi002:~ $



import pexpect
import time
device_no = "hci0"
mac_str = "02:10:32:20:00:AA"
cmd = pexpect.spawn('sudo gatttool -i ' + device_no + ' -b ' + mac_str + ' -I')
cmd.expect('Connection successful')
cmd.sendline('char-write-req 0x0123 01126338221102234106DE')
cmd.expect('Characteristic value was written successfully')
cmd.sendline('char-write-req 0x0123 0112633822110223410621')
cmd.expect('Characteristic value was written successfully')


我迷路了。我什至尝试在 scritps/python 上使用 bluetoothctl 而不是 gatttool,但结果始终相同:第一次工作,而不是下一次工作(直到 BLE 设备重置连接)。我很困惑为什么通过手动执行任务每次都可以工作,而不是脚本。我不是这些主题的专家,但也不是新手。任何帮助将不胜感激!

更新 1

Bluez 与 Python 中的 D-bus API


import pydbus
from gi.repository import GLib
from time import sleep

dev_id = '02:10:32:20:00:AA'
lock_uuid = '0000acbff2-0000-1000-8000-00815ffb3wfb'
bluez_service = 'org.bluez'
adapter_path = '/org/bluez/hci0'
device_path = f"{adapter_path}/dev_{dev_id.replace(':', '_')}"
bus = pydbus.SystemBus()
adapter = bus.get(bluez_service, adapter_path)
device = bus.get(bluez_service, device_path)


mngr = bus.get(bluez_service, '/')

def get_characteristic_path(dev_path, uuid):
    mng_objs = mngr.GetManagedObjects()
    for path in mng_objs:
        chr_uuid = mng_objs[path].get('org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1', {}).get('UUID')
        if path.startswith(dev_path) and chr_uuid == uuid:
           return path

lock_uuid_path = get_characteristic_path(device._path, lock_uuid)
lock = bus.get(bluez_service, lock_uuid_path)

new_value = bytearray([0x01, 0x20, 0x60, 0x08, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x06, 0xDE])
lock.WriteValue(new_value, {})


new_value = bytearray([0x01, 0x20, 0x60, 0x08, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x06, 0x21])
lock.WriteValue(new_value, {})




[CHG] Device 02:10:32:20:00:AA Connected: yes
[CHG] Device 02:10:32:20:00:AA ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device 02:10:32:20:00:AA ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device 02:10:32:20:00:AA Connected: no


删除了一些与“LE Set Scan Enable”相关的部分,以减少讲座。

pi@sp-pi002:~ $ sudo btmon
Bluetooth monitor ver 5.50
= Note: Linux version 5.4.72-v7l+ (armv7l)                                                                                                            0.069236
= Note: Bluetooth subsystem version 2.22                                                                                                              0.069246
= New Index: DC:A6:32:0A:0D:AB (Primary,UART,hci0)                                                                                             [hci0] 0.069251
= Open Index: DC:A6:32:0A:0D:AB                                                                                                                [hci0] 0.069255
= Index Info: DC:A6:32:0A:0D:AB (Cypress Semiconductor Corporation)                                                                            [hci0] 0.069258
@ MGMT Open: bluetoothd (privileged) version 1.14                                                                                            {0x0001} 0.069263
@ MGMT Open: btmon (privileged) version 1.14                                                                                                 {0x0002} 0.069757
< HCI Command: LE Set Scan Parameters (0x08|0x000b) plen 7                                                                                 #1 [hci0] 19.298233
        Type: Passive (0x00)
        Interval: 60.000 msec (0x0060)
        Window: 30.000 msec (0x0030)
        Own address type: Public (0x00)
        Filter policy: Accept all advertisement (0x00)
> HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4                                                                                                #2 [hci0] 19.298536
      LE Set Scan Parameters (0x08|0x000b) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
< HCI Command: LE Set Scan Enable (0x08|0x000c) plen 2                                                                                     #3 [hci0] 19.298580
        Scanning: Enabled (0x01)
        Filter duplicates: Enabled (0x01)
> HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4                                                                                                #4 [hci0] 19.298942
      LE Set Scan Enable (0x08|0x000c) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
> HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 40                                                                                                  #5 [hci0] 19.304392
      LE Advertising Report (0x02)
        Num reports: 1
        Event type: Connectable undirected - ADV_IND (0x00)
        Address type: Public (0x00)
        Address: 02:10:32:20:00:AA (OUI 02-10-32)
        Data length: 28
        Company: CAEN RFID srl (170)
          Data: 20321002
        Flags: 0x06
          LE General Discoverable Mode
          BR/EDR Not Supported
        Name (complete): Kino_BLE
        16-bit Service UUIDs (partial): 1 entry
          Unknown (0xf9f7)
        TX power: 8 dBm
        RSSI: -79 dBm (0xb1)
< HCI Command: LE Set Scan Enable (0x08|0x000c) plen 2                                                                                     #6 [hci0] 19.304433
        Scanning: Disabled (0x00)
        Filter duplicates: Disabled (0x00)
> HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4                                                                                                #7 [hci0] 19.305665
      LE Set Scan Enable (0x08|0x000c) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
< HCI Command: LE Create Connection (0x08|0x000d) plen 25                                                                                  #8 [hci0] 19.305700
        Scan interval: 60.000 msec (0x0060)
        Scan window: 60.000 msec (0x0060)
        Filter policy: White list is not used (0x00)
        Peer address type: Public (0x00)
        Peer address: 02:10:32:20:00:AA (OUI 02-10-32)
        Own address type: Public (0x00)
        Min connection interval: 20.00 msec (0x0010)
        Max connection interval: 40.00 msec (0x0020)
        Connection latency: 0 (0x0000)
        Supervision timeout: 6000 msec (0x0258)
        Min connection length: 0.000 msec (0x0000)
        Max connection length: 0.000 msec (0x0000)
> HCI Event: Command Status (0x0f) plen 4                                                                                                  #9 [hci0] 19.306212
      LE Create Connection (0x08|0x000d) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
> HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 19                                                                                                 #10 [hci0] 19.413260
      LE Connection Complete (0x01)
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 64
        Role: Master (0x00)
        Peer address type: Public (0x00)
        Peer address: 02:10:32:20:00:AA (OUI 02-10-32)
        Connection interval: 37.50 msec (0x001e)
        Connection latency: 0 (0x0000)
        Supervision timeout: 6000 msec (0x0258)
        Master clock accuracy: 0x00
@ MGMT Event: Device Connected (0x000b) plen 41                                                                                      {0x0002} [hci0] 19.413286
        LE Address: 02:10:32:20:00:AA (OUI 02-10-32)
        Flags: 0x00000000
        Data length: 28
        Company: CAEN RFID srl (170)
          Data: 20321002
        Flags: 0x06
          LE General Discoverable Mode
          BR/EDR Not Supported
        Name (complete): Kino_BLE
        16-bit Service UUIDs (partial): 1 entry
          Unknown (0xf9f7)
        TX power: 8 dBm
@ MGMT Event: Device Connected (0x000b) plen 41                                                                                      {0x0001} [hci0] 19.413286
        LE Address: 02:10:32:20:00:AA (OUI 02-10-32)
        Flags: 0x00000000
        Data length: 28
        Company: CAEN RFID srl (170)
          Data: 20321002
        Flags: 0x06
          LE General Discoverable Mode
          BR/EDR Not Supported
        Name (complete): Kino_BLE
        16-bit Service UUIDs (partial): 1 entry
          Unknown (0xf9f7)
        TX power: 8 dBm
< HCI Command: LE Read Remote Used Features (0x08|0x0016) plen 2                                                                          #11 [hci0] 19.413395
        Handle: 64
> HCI Event: Command Status (0x0f) plen 4                                                                                                 #12 [hci0] 19.415301
      LE Read Remote Used Features (0x08|0x0016) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
> HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 14                                                                                              #13 [hci0] 19.415306
      LE Read Remote Used Features (0x08|0x0016) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                    ..........
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 16                                                                                               #14 [hci0] 19.505778
      LE L2CAP: Connection Parameter Update Request (0x12) ident 1 len 8
        Min interval: 16
        Max interval: 32
        Slave latency: 0
        Timeout multiplier: 600
> HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 12                                                                                                 #15 [hci0] 19.542823
      LE Read Remote Used Features (0x04)
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 64
        Features: 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
          LE Encryption
< HCI Command: LE Start Encryption (0x08|0x0019) plen 28                                                                                  #16 [hci0] 19.542873
        Handle: 64
        Random number: 0x94d43ce6d560a901
        Encrypted diversifier: 0xed02
        Long term key: d25d80004dd15ab09454000000000000
@ MGMT Event: New Connection Parameter (0x001c) plen 16                                                                              {0x0002} [hci0] 19.542899
        Store hint: Reserved (0xaa)
        LE Address: 01:02:10:32:20:00 (OUI 01-02-10)
        Min connection interval: 16
        Max connection interval: 32
        Connection latency: 0 (0x0000)
        Supervision timeout: 600
@ MGMT Event: New Connection Parameter (0x001c) plen 16                                                                              {0x0001} [hci0] 19.542899
        Store hint: Reserved (0xaa)
        LE Address: 01:02:10:32:20:00 (OUI 01-02-10)
        Min connection interval: 16
        Max connection interval: 32
        Connection latency: 0 (0x0000)
        Supervision timeout: 600
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 10                                                                                               #17 [hci0] 19.542922
      LE L2CAP: Connection Parameter Update Response (0x13) ident 1 len 2
        Result: Connection Parameters accepted (0x0000)
> HCI Event: Command Status (0x0f) plen 4                                                                                                 #18 [hci0] 19.543653
      LE Start Encryption (0x08|0x0019) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
< HCI Command: LE Connection Update (0x08|0x0013) plen 14                                                                                 #19 [hci0] 19.543683
        Handle: 64
        Min connection interval: 20.00 msec (0x0010)
        Max connection interval: 40.00 msec (0x0020)
        Connection latency: 0 (0x0000)
        Supervision timeout: 6000 msec (0x0258)
        Min connection length: 0.000 msec (0x0000)
        Max connection length: 0.000 msec (0x0000)
> HCI Event: Command Status (0x0f) plen 4                                                                                                 #20 [hci0] 19.544008
      LE Connection Update (0x08|0x0013) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
> HCI Event: Encryption Change (0x08) plen 4                                                                                              #21 [hci0] 19.842763
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 64
        Encryption: Enabled with AES-CCM (0x01)
< HCI Command: Write Authenticated Payload Timeout (0x03|0x007c) plen 4                                                                   #22 [hci0] 19.842808
        Handle: 64
        Timeout: 30000 msec (0x0bb8)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 7                                                                                                #23 [hci0] 19.843152
      ATT: Exchange MTU Request (0x02) len 2
        Client RX MTU: 517
> HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 6                                                                                               #24 [hci0] 19.844110
      Write Authenticated Payload Timeout (0x03|0x007c) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 64
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                    #25 [hci0] 19.955359
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 7                                                                                                #26 [hci0] 19.992707
      ATT: Exchange MTU Response (0x03) len 2
        Server RX MTU: 23
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 7                                                                                                #27 [hci0] 19.993242
      ATT: Read Request (0x0a) len 2
        Handle: 0x0007
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 13                                                                                               #28 [hci0] 20.067764
      ATT: Read Response (0x0b) len 8
        Value: 4b696e6f5f424c45
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 7                                                                                                #29 [hci0] 20.068282
      ATT: Read Request (0x0a) len 2
        Handle: 0x0009
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                    #30 [hci0] 20.105371
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 7                                                                                                #31 [hci0] 20.157731
      ATT: Read Response (0x0b) len 2
        Value: 0000
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 11                                                                                               #32 [hci0] 20.158028
      ATT: Read By Group Type Request (0x10) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0001-0xffff
        Attribute group type: Primary Service (0x2800)
> HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 10                                                                                                 #33 [hci0] 20.158007
      LE Connection Update Complete (0x03)
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 64
        Connection interval: 37.50 msec (0x001e)
        Connection latency: 0 (0x0000)
        Supervision timeout: 6000 msec (0x0258)
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 24                                                                                               #34 [hci0] 20.233300
      ATT: Read By Group Type Response (0x11) len 19
        Attribute data length: 6
        Attribute group list: 3 entries
        Handle range: 0x0001-0x0004
        UUID: Generic Attribute Profile (0x1801)
        Handle range: 0x0005-0x000b
        UUID: Generic Access Profile (0x1800)
        Handle range: 0x000c-0x0011
        UUID: Unknown (0xf9f7)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 11                                                                                               #35 [hci0] 20.233587
      ATT: Read By Group Type Request (0x10) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0012-0xffff
        Attribute group type: Primary Service (0x2800)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                    #36 [hci0] 20.270400
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                                #37 [hci0] 20.307761
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Group Type Request (0x10)
        Handle: 0x0012
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                                #38 [hci0] 20.321380
      ATT: Write Request (0x12) len 4
        Handle: 0x0004
          Data: 0200
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 5                                                                                                #39 [hci0] 20.382690
      ATT: Write Response (0x13) len 0
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 18                                                                                               #40 [hci0] 20.382970
      ATT: Write Request (0x12) len 13
        Handle: 0x0011
          Data: 01106008000102000106de
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                    #41 [hci0] 20.420453
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 5                                                                                                #42 [hci0] 20.457713
      ATT: Write Response (0x13) len 0
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 18                                                                                               #43 [hci0] 30.974587
      ATT: Write Request (0x12) len 13
        Handle: 0x0011
          Data: 0110600700010200010621
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 5                                                                                                #44 [hci0] 31.032837
      ATT: Write Response (0x13) len 0
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                    #45 [hci0] 31.147088
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
@ MGMT Command: Disconnect (0x0014) plen 7                                                                                           {0x0001} [hci0] 33.220115
        LE Address: 02:10:32:20:00:AA (OUI 02-10-32)
< HCI Command: Disconnect (0x01|0x0006) plen 3                                                                                            #46 [hci0] 33.220187
        Handle: 64
        Reason: Remote User Terminated Connection (0x13)
> HCI Event: Command Status (0x0f) plen 4                                                                                                 #47 [hci0] 33.221091
      Disconnect (0x01|0x0006) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
> HCI Event: Disconnect Complete (0x05) plen 4                                                                                            #48 [hci0] 33.245957
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 64
        Reason: Connection Terminated By Local Host (0x16)
@ MGMT Event: Command Complete (0x0001) plen 10                                                                                      {0x0001} [hci0] 33.246009
      Disconnect (0x0014) plen 7
        Status: Success (0x00)
        LE Address: 02:10:32:20:00:AA (OUI 02-10-32)
@ MGMT Event: Device Disconnected (0x000c) plen 8                                                                                    {0x0002} [hci0] 33.246030
        LE Address: 02:10:32:20:00:AA (OUI 02-10-32)
        Reason: Connection terminated by local host (0x02)

....................... END FIRST RUN OF SCRIPT.
....................... START OF SECOND EXECUTION.

< HCI Command: LE Set Scan Parameters (0x08|0x000b) plen 7                                                                                #49 [hci0] 56.180508
        Type: Passive (0x00)
        Interval: 60.000 msec (0x0060)
        Window: 30.000 msec (0x0030)
        Own address type: Public (0x00)
        Filter policy: Accept all advertisement (0x00)
> HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4                                                                                               #50 [hci0] 56.180811
      LE Set Scan Parameters (0x08|0x000b) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
< HCI Command: LE Set Scan Enable (0x08|0x000c) plen 2                                                                                    #51 [hci0] 56.180838
        Scanning: Enabled (0x01)
        Filter duplicates: Enabled (0x01)
> HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4                                                                                               #52 [hci0] 56.181207
      LE Set Scan Enable (0x08|0x000c) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)
> HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 43                                                                                                 #53 [hci0] 56.204213
      LE Advertising Report (0x02)
        Num reports: 1
        Event type: Non connectable undirected - ADV_NONCONN_IND (0x03)
        Address type: Random (0x01)
        Address: 0D:48:77:25:AE:79 (Non-Resolvable)
        Data length: 31
        Company: Microsoft (6)
          Data: 01092002c67df605ed810a2e6f7e147cffa153daafbc76cd6c9459
        RSSI: -77 dBm (0xb3)
... Many others LE Advertising Report (0x02)
> HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 26                                                                                                 #76 [hci0] 89.682320
      LE Advertising Report (0x02)
        Num reports: 1
        Event type: Connectable undirected - ADV_IND (0x00)
        Address type: Public (0x00)
        Address: A4:83:E7:03:6E:75 (Apple, Inc.)
        Data length: 14
        Flags: 0x06
          LE General Discoverable Mode
          BR/EDR Not Supported
        Company: Apple, Inc. (76)
          Type: Unknown (16)
          Data: 401c9671a8
        RSSI: -91 dBm (0xa5)
< HCI Command: LE Set Scan Enable (0x08|0x000c) plen 2                                                                                    #77 [hci0] 96.907783
        Scanning: Disabled (0x00)
        Filter duplicates: Disabled (0x00)
> HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4                                                                                               #78 [hci0] 96.908745
      LE Set Scan Enable (0x08|0x000c) ncmd 1
        Status: Success (0x00)

1 回答 1



service bluetooth status报告底部的信息部分通常会出现错误。

sudo btmon运行脚本时,可以通过在单独的终端中运行来查看非常低级的报告信息。


而且我不相信这bluetoothctl是打算以这种方式使用的。BlueZ 开发人员经常更改bluetoothctl哪些内容会破坏您的脚本,如果您让它工作的话。

BlueZ 为程序与蓝牙守护进程交互提供了一个 D-Bus API。




要使用此 API,您需要了解:

The BlueZ D-Bus service is 'org.bluez'
The adapter device has the D-Bus object path of '/org/bluez/hci0' typically
The DBus interface for the adapter is 'org.bluez.Adapter1'

以下问题的回复中有一个例子: https ://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/q/114150/121848

于 2020-11-17T08:24:12.703 回答