好吧,我认为您仍然对 Svelte 中的工作方式有些困惑......不确定如何最好地回答您的问题,所以这里有一些代码说明您想要实现的目标,以及一些评论。我希望它可以帮助您更好地了解关于商店的事情是如何结合在一起的。
import { onMount } from 'svelte'
import { key, data, updateKey } from './store.js'
onMount(() => {
// it's not safe to have an unchecked timer running -- problems would
// occur if the component is destroyed before the timeout has ellapsed,
// that's why we're using the `onMount` lifecycle function and its
// cleanup function here
const timeout = setTimeout(updateKey, 1000);
// this cleanup function is called when the component is destroyed
return () => {
// this will log the value of the `key` store each time it changes, using
// a reactive expression (a Sveltism)
$: console.log($key)
NOTE: we're using the $ prefix notation to access _the value_ of the store,
and not `data`, which would be _the store itself_ (an object with
subscribe, set, etc.)
import { writable, derived } from 'svelte/store'
const db = {
'a': 'a',
'b': 'b'
// a writable store with initial value 'a'
export const key = writable('a')
export const updateKey = () => {
// a writable store has a `set` method to change its value
// you can use a derived store to compute derived values from
// the current value of other stores
// here, we're getting the value from the db when the value of
// the `key` store changes
export const data = derived([key], ([$key]) => db[$key])