我正在开发一个安静的应用程序,它在后面使用 Clojure,在前面使用 Angular。我有以下表格:客户、订单、项目、订单项。我正在使用 korma 与 MySql 数据库进行通信。当我对所有实体进行 CRUD 操作时,一切正常。但我不知道如何在数据库中插入多行?我应该在 korma 中使用交易吗?

(declare customer)
(declare customerorder)
(declare item)
(declare orderitems)

(schema/defschema OrderItem
   :OrderItemId schema/Int
   :OrderId schema/Int
   :ItemId schema/Int
   :Quantity schema/Int

(schema/defschema Customer
   :CustomerId schema/Int
   :Name schema/Str
   :Contact schema/Str

(schema/defschema UpdateCustomer
   :Name schema/Str
   :Contact schema/Str

(schema/defschema NewCustomer
   :Name schema/Str
   :Contact schema/Str

(schema/defschema Order
   :OrderId schema/Int
   :CustomerId schema/Int
   :PMethod schema/Str
   :GTotal schema/Num

(schema/defschema Item
   :ItemId schema/Int
   :Name schema/Str
   :Price schema/Num

(defentity customer
           (pk :CustomerId)
           (has-many customerorder {:fk :CustomerId})
           (entity-fields :CustomerId :Name :Contact))

(defentity customerorder
           (pk :OrderId)
           (has-many orderitems {:fk :OrderId})
           (belongs-to customer {:fk :CustomerId})
           (entity-fields :PMethod :GTotal :OrderId)
(defentity item
           (pk :ItemId)
           (entity-fields :ItemId :Name :Price)
           (has-many orderitems {:fk :ItemId}))

(defentity orderitems
           (pk :OrderItemId)
           (belongs-to item {:fk :ItemId})
           (belongs-to customerorder {:fk :OrderId})
           (entity-fields :OrderItemId  :ItemId :Quantity))


(defn get-customersbypmethod [PMethod]
  (select customerorder (with customer (with orderitems)) (where {:PMethod PMethod})))



1 回答 1


Korma 文档说明了以下内容:

插入查询使用函数(值)添加记录。它采用单个映射或映射集合并返回第一个插入记录的 id。

;; You can insert a single value:
(insert users
  (values {:first "john" :last "doe"}))

;; or a collection of several:
(insert users
  (values [{:first "john" :last "doe"}
           {:first "jane" :last "doe"}]))

;; You can also compose inserts:
(def base (-> (insert* users)
            (values {:first "john" :last "doe"})))

(-> base
  (values {:first "jane" :last "doe"})
;; Same thing as the collection insert

您可以简单地使用 (transaction) 宏在 Korma 中执行事务,该宏确保在其中执行的所有查询都是单个事务的一部分。然后,您可以在必要时使用 (rollback) 函数强制事务回滚。

  (insert users
    (values {:first "cool"}))
  (insert address
    (values {:address1 "cool"})))

  (if-not (valid?)
  (when-not (is-rollback?)
    (println "success!")))

希望这可以帮助。Korma 是一个稳定且文档齐全的库。

于 2020-11-22T15:15:03.343 回答