我正在做一个骨骼动画渲染器,但遇到了一些问题。我编写了自己的 Collada Loader,一切正常(我已经检查了多次),我为绘图准备了蒙皮和骨架数据。



static void
update_animator(Animator* animator)
    if (animator->anim == NULL)return;
    //this is the array holding the animated local bind transforms for each joint,
    //if there is no animation in a certain joint its simply m4d(1.f)
    mat4 *local_animated_transforms= (mat4*)malloc(sizeof(mat4) *joints_count);
    for (i32 i = 0; i < 44; ++i)
        local_animated_transforms[i] = m4d(1.f);

    for (u32 i = 0; i < animator->anim->joint_anims_count; ++i)
        JointKeyFrame current_pose = animator->anim->joint_animations[i].keyframes[0];
        u32 animation_index = current_pose.joint_index;
        mat4 local_animated_transform = translate_mat4(current_pose.transform.position) * quat_to_mat4(current_pose.transform.rotation);
        local_animated_transforms[animation_index] = local_animated_transform;
    for (u32 i = 0; i < joints_count;++i)
        calc_animated_transform(animator, animator->model.joints, local_animated_transforms, i);

static void
calc_animated_transform(Animator *animator, Joint *joints, mat4 *local_transforms, u32 index)
    //here we get the animated joint transform meaning the world pos of the joint in the animation
    mat4 animated_joint_transform = concat_local_transforms(joints, local_transforms, index); 
    //here we multiply by inv bind transform to get the world pos relative to the original bone transforms
    joints[index].animated_transform =animated_joint_transform * joints[index].inv_bind_transform;

这就是模型的外观: 图片



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