我正在尝试在 XQuery 中创建从 TEXTCLASS 到 TEI 的类型切换。这不是一个非常困难的过程,但它很乏味,所以我正在尝试尽可能多地自动化它(从长远来看需要更长的时间并学习更多)。
我正在使用 Oxygen 12 和 Exist 1.4.1。
现在我运行 transform-tei.xq,它使用 gen.xqm 中的函数创建了一个方便的花花公子转换器。在我添加了函数“convert-attr-default”(其目的应该是获取节点的属性并将它们的名称/值转换为小写)之后,transform-tei.xq 正在抛出
“E [localhost] XPDY0002:未设置变量'$attr-name'。[在第 58 行,第 18 列] [在第 58 行,第 18 列]”
我无法确定为什么。我猜我错过了一些非常简单的东西,因为 XQuery 是我尝试自学的第一门语言,虽然 O'Reilly 的书很棒,但它仍然是一种新型的学习方式。
xquery version '1.0';
(: Module: transform-tei.xq
Date: 24 06 2011
Desc: Creates a module with functions to perform a basic transform to TEI on a specified xml document.
declare option exist:serialize "method=text media-type=text/text";
import module namespace gen = "http://www.example.com/test/gen" at "xmldb:exist:///db/richmond/test-queries/gen.xqm";
let $doc := doc("/db/richmond/xml-for-typeswitch/wwa0005.0001.005.xml")
let $tags := gen:tags($doc)
let $config :=
gen:create-module($tags, $config)
xquery version '1.0';
(: Module: gen.xqm
Note: Stolen/modified from http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/XQuery/Generating_Skeleton_Typeswitch_Transformation_Modules#Generation_Function
Date: 24 06 2011
Desc: Provides functions to generate a list of all tags in a document and dynamically create a module to perform an identity transformation
module namespace gen = "http://www.example.com/test/gen";
declare variable $gen:cr := " ";
declare function gen:tags($docs as node()*) as xs:string * {
for $tag in distinct-values ($docs//*/name(.))
order by $tag
return $tag
declare function gen:create-module($tags as xs:string*, $config as element(config) ) as element(module) {
let $modulename := $config/modulename/text()
let $prefix := $config/prefix/text()
let $pre:= concat($modulename,":",$prefix)
let $namespace := ($config/namespace,"http://mysite/module")[1]/text()
module namespace {$modulename} = "{$namespace}";
(: conversion module generated from a set of tags
declare function {$pre}convert($nodes as node()*) as item()* {{ {$gen:cr}
for $node in $nodes
typeswitch ($node)
{for $tag in $tags
<s>case element({$tag}) return {$pre}{replace($tag,":","-")}($node)
default return
declare function {$pre}convert-default($node as node()) as item()* {{ {$gen:cr}
declare function {$pre}convert-attr-default($attr as attribute()*) as item()* {{ {$gen:cr}
for $upper-attr in $attr
let $attr-name := fn:node-name($upper-attr)
let $attr-val := fn:data($upper-attr)
attribute { $attr-name } { $attr-val }
{for $tag in $tags
declare function {$pre}{replace($tag,":","-")}($node as element({$tag})) as item()* {{ {$gen:cr}
element {lower-case($tag)} {{