有我的测试nft 规则集,除了表 inet 测试之外的所有工作, 但表f2b-table非常相似(除了 drop vs accept)并且工作正常:

table inet f2b-table {
    set addr-set-sshd {
        type ipv4_addr
        elements = { }

    chain input {
        type filter hook input priority filter - 1; policy accept;
        tcp dport { 222 } ip saddr @addr-set-sshd drop
table inet default {
    set full_op_port {
        type inet_service
        elements = { 222 }

    set allowed_ips {
        type ipv4_addr
        elements = { }

    chain INPUT {
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
        ct state invalid drop
        ct state { established, related } accept
        iif "lo" accept
        tcp dport @full_op_port accept
        ip saddr @allowed_ips accept
        ip protocol icmp accept
        counter packets 17 bytes 884

    chain FORWARD {
        type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;

    chain OUTPUT {
        type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
table ip test {
    chain PREROUTING {
        type nat hook prerouting priority filter; policy accept;

    chain POSTROUTING {
        type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;

    chain FORWARD {
        type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
table inet test {
    set op_port {
        type inet_service
        elements = { 8888 }

    chain INPUT {
        type filter hook input priority filter - 2; policy accept;
        tcp dport @op_port accept

我在 tcpdump 中看到包,当我在表 inet 测试中计数时看到包,但不接受包。我做错了什么?


2 回答 2







您的默认表基链优先级 0 将在您的测试表基链优先级 -2 之后进行评估,并且因为它有一个丢弃策略并且数据包在那里不匹配,所以它将被丢弃。


nft flush ruleset
nft create table ip table1
nft add chain ip table1 input1 { type filter hook input priority filter\; policy drop\; }
nft add rule ip table1 input1 tcp dport != 8888 accept
nft add rule ip table1 input1 tcp dport 8888 log prefix \"TABLE1_INPUT1 DROPPING \" level info
nft create table ip table2
nft add chain ip table2 input2 { type filter hook input priority filter - 1\; policy accept\; }
nft add rule ip table2 input2 tcp dport != 8888 accept
nft add rule ip table2 input2 tcp dport 8888 log prefix \"TABLE2_INPUT2 BEFORE \" level info
nft add rule ip table2 input2 tcp dport 8888 accept
nft add rule ip table2 input2 tcp dport 8888 log prefix \"TABLE2_INPUT2 AFTER \" level info
于 2020-11-21T01:14:17.380 回答


至于混合家庭 inet 与 ip 和 ip6 混合的效果,我什至不会开始高谈阔论,只是说这可能是一个坏主意。

警告:这些示例严重破坏了 ipv4 流量,并且是在 VM 上执行的 - 买家要小心!


table inet filter {
        chain input1 {
                type filter hook input priority filter + 1; policy drop;
                tcp dport 80 log prefix "input1_" # SEEN

    # input2 chain not evaluated as there is no traffic left after input1
        chain input2 {
                type filter hook input priority filter + 2; policy accept;
                tcp dport 80 accept
                tcp dport 80 log prefix "input2_"


table inet filter {
        chain input1 {
                type filter hook input priority filter + 1; policy accept;
                tcp dport 80 log prefix "input1_" # SEEN
        chain input2 {
                type filter hook input priority filter + 2; policy drop;
                tcp dport 80 accept
                tcp dport 80 log prefix "input2_" # NOT SEEN due previous accept


table inet filter {
        chain input1 {
                type filter hook input priority filter + 1; policy accept;
                tcp dport 80 accept
                tcp dport 80 log prefix "input1_" # NOT SEEN due to previous accept
        chain input2 {
                type filter hook input priority filter + 2; policy drop;
                tcp dport 80 log prefix "input2_" # SEEN - chain evaluates
        # all traffic dropped here by policy including accepted input1 traffic


table inet filter {
        chain input1 {
                type filter hook input priority filter + 1; policy accept;
                tcp dport 80 log prefix "input1_" # SEEN
        chain input2 {
                type filter hook input priority filter + 2; policy drop;
                tcp dport 80 accept
                tcp dport 80 log prefix "input2_" # NOT SEEN due to previous accept

如 nft 手册页中所述,按规则或策略删除会立即删除,而无需进一步处理优先级较低的基本链。接受不。它会短路当前优先级的剩余规则并切换到下一个较低优先级,但在这里,如果被规则显式丢弃,它仍然会被丢弃,如果没有规则可以接受,它仍然会被策略隐式丢弃。

也许最简单的方法是使用单个基础链和跳转/转到非基础链,有效地使用 iptables 的工作方式。

于 2020-11-23T22:41:27.353 回答