有人可以指导我如何向项目添加新对象吗?例如,横幅。Dashboard 应该能够创建、编辑、删除横幅。然后横幅将显示在店面。

我是 Python/Django 的新手。我看了一个教程,发现我可能需要创建一个应用程序,所以我这样做了: python manage.py startapp banner 但它总是显示错误:No module named 'module names'。在我安装一个后,它显示另一个。我之前已经运行docker-compose build过,我认为它应该已经安装了所有东西。

谢谢你的支持 :)


1 回答 1




saleor-storefront/config/webpack/config.base.js - Base webpack config file.
    Can change name of the app (displayed when installed on mobile)
saleor-storefront/src/index.html - Main template file that contains the <div id="root"></div>
    Can change title of storefront here
saleor-storefront/src/index.tsx - Main entry point file. Render's the <App /> component, apollo-client, and others to the root div in index.html file above.
saleor-storefront/src/core/config.ts - Controls number of products shown per page, support email, gateway providers, social media, and some meta.
    Can change support email
    Can change products shown per page
    Can change gateway providers
    Can change social media links that are displayed in the footer
    Can change some meta options
saleor-storefront/src/images/ - Holds all the images for logo, cart, favicon, etc.
    Can change storefront logo, favicon, or add new images here. Easiest way I've found is to save saleor's logos as backups (logo-backup.svg) and insert your own and mess around till you get it looking the way you want and get rid of backups. I'm not a graphic person so not sure the best way.
saleor-storefront/src/globalStyles/scss/variables.scss - Contains base styles like colors, font size, container width, media breakpoints and more.
saleor-storefront/src/@next/globalStyles/ - Contains more base styles, themes, media, and constants.
saleor-storefront/src/views/ - This folder controls the views, or what is displayed for each page. The way Saleor has it setup, most views have a file named "Page.tsx" that controls the layout of the page and a file named "View.tsx" that calls the query and renders the <Page /> component with the data.
    Can add another view to storefront here. Requires adding a route (see routes below).
saleor-storefront/src/@next/pages/ - Second spot for modifying/adding different pages. This is the recommended directory to add new pages.
saleor-storefront/src/app/routes/ - This folder contains the paths as well as holds the <Routes /> component. Here is where you add a new path and route.
    Export a new path in paths.ts
    Inside AppRoutes.tsx import your new view (see views above) and create a new route with path={paths.newPath} and component={newViewPage}
    To link to your new view import { Link } from "react-router-dom" and use new path you created in paths.ts (make sure to import it)
saleor-storefront/src/app/App.tsx - This is main <App /> component that renders the <MainMenu />, <Routes /> (explained below), <Footer /> and a couple other components.


saleor-storefront/src/core/config.ts - Add new gateway provider name here.
saleor-storefront/src/@next/components/organisms/ - Create a new folder for new payment gateway component here.
saleor-storefront/src/@next/components/organisms/PaymentGatewaysList/PaymentGatewaysList.tsx - Import new gateway component, create a new switch case to handle your gateway component.


Set EMAIL_URL environment variable for Saleor core.
    Using Docker - Add EMAIL_URL as new enviornment variable to both the api and worker service following the format here.
Issues getting emails working?
        Check to see that "Less secure app access" is turned ON. Under "Manage your Google Account" > Go to the security tab. By default, the setting is off for security reasons.
        If using 2FA make sure to set an app password and use that in place of your normal login password.

来源:https ://spectrum.chat/saleor/saleor-storefront/modifying-the-storefront~c1955dbf-a421-4fb6-b99e-937dd2642b23

于 2020-11-25T22:18:04.670 回答