Shapley Additive Explanations(SHAP 值)的效用是了解每个特征如何对模型的预测做出贡献。对于某些目标,例如以 RMSE 作为目标函数的回归,SHAP 值采用标签值的本机单位。例如,如果估算住房成本,SHAP 值可以表示为美元。正如您将在下面看到的,并非所有目标函数都是如此。特别是,Tweedie 回归目标不会产生原生单位的 SHAP 值。这是一个解释问题,因为我们想知道住房成本如何受到 +/- 美元特征的影响。
鉴于这些信息,我的问题是:在解释具有 Tweedie 回归目标的模型时,我们如何将每个单独特征的 SHAP 值转换为目标标签的数据空间?
我不知道目前有任何包实现了这种转换。这在 shap 作者自己发布的包中仍未解决。
我在下面用 lightgbm 的 R 实现来说明这个问题的细节:
tweedie_variance_power <- 1.2
labels <- rtweedie(1000, mu = 1, phi = 1, power = tweedie_variance_power)
feat1 <- labels + rnorm(1000) #good signal for label with some noise
feat2 <-rnorm(1000) #garbage feature
feat3 <-rnorm(1000) #garbage feature
features <- cbind(feat1, feat2, feat3)
dTrain <- lgb.Dataset(data = features,
label = labels)
params <- c(objective = 'tweedie',
tweedie_variance_power = tweedie_variance_power)
mod <- lgb.train(data = dTrain,
params = params,
nrounds = 100)
#Predictions in the native units of the labels
predsNative <- predict(mod, features, rawscore = FALSE)
#Predictions in the raw format
predsRaw <- predict(mod, features, rawscore = TRUE)
#We do not expect these values to be equal
all.equal(predsTrans, predsRaw)
"Mean relative difference: 1.503072"
#We expect values to be equal if raw scores are exponentiated
all.equal(predsTrans, exp(predsRaw))
"TRUE" #... our expectations are correct
#SHAP values
shapNative <- predict(mod, features, rawscore = FALSE, predcontrib = TRUE)
shapRaw <- predict(mod, features, rawscore = TRUE, predcontrib = TRUE )
#Are there differences between shap values when rawscore is TRUE or FALSE?
all.equal(shapNative, shapRaw)
"TRUE" #outputs are identical, that is surprising!
#So are the shap values in raw or native formats?
#To anwser this question we can sum them
#testing raw the raw case first
all.equal(rowSums(shapRaw), predsRaw)
#from this we can conclude that shap values are not in native units,
#regardless of whether rawscore is TRUE or FALSE
#Test native scores just to prove point
all.equal(rowSums(shapNative), predsNative)
"Mean relative difference: 1.636892" # reaffirms that shap values are not in native units
#However, we can perform this operation on the raw shap scores
#to get the prediction in the native value
all.equal(exp(rowSums(shapRaw)), predsNative)
#reversing the operations does not yield the same result
all.equal(rowSums(exp(shapRaw)), predsNative)
"Mean relative difference: 0.7662481"
#The last line is relevant because it implies
#The relationship between native predictions
#and exponentiated shap values is not linear
#So, given the point of SHAP is to understand how each
#feature impacts the prediction in its native units
#the raw shap values are not as useful as they could be
#Thus, how how would we convert
#each of these four raw shap value elements to native units,
#thus understanding their contributions to their predictions
#in currency of native units?
-0.15429227 0.04858757 -0.27715359 -0.48454457
我对 SHAP 值的理解是,它们在进行回归时采用标签/响应的本机单位,并且 SHAP 值的总和近似于模型的预测。
我正在尝试使用 Tweedie 回归目标提取 LightGBM 包中的 SHAP 值,但发现 SHAP 值不在标签的本机单位中,并且它们不与预测值相加。
旁注:我了解 SHAP 值矩阵的最后一列代表基本预测,必须添加。
tweedie_variance_power <- 1.2
labels <- rtweedie(1000, mu = 1, phi = 1, power = tweedie_variance_power)
feat1 <- labels + rnorm(1000) #good signal for label with some noise
feat2 <-rnorm(1000) #garbage feature
feat3 <-rnorm(1000) #garbage feature
features <- cbind(feat1, feat2, feat3)
dTrain <- lgb.Dataset(data = features,
label = labels)
params <- c(objective = 'tweedie',
tweedie_variance_power = tweedie_variance_power)
mod <- lgb.train(data = dTrain,
params = params,
nrounds = 100)
preds <- predict(mod, features)
plot(preds, labels,
main = paste('RMSE =',
RMSE(pred = preds, obs = labels)))
#shap values are summing to negative values?
shap_vals <- predict(mod, features, predcontrib = TRUE, rawscore = FALSE)
shaps_sum <- rowSums(shap_vals)
plot(shaps_sum, labels,
main = paste('RMSE =',
RMSE(pred = shaps_sum, obs = labels)))
#maybe we need to exponentiate?
shap_vals_exp <- exp(shap_vals)
shap_vals_exp_sum <- rowSums(shap_vals_exp)
#still looks a little weird, overpredicting
plot(shap_vals_exp_sum, labels,
main = paste('RMSE =',
RMSE(pred = shap_vals_exp_sum, obs = labels)))
操作的顺序是先求和,然后对 SHAP 值求幂,这将为您提供本机单位的预测。虽然我仍然不清楚如何将特征级别值转换为原生响应单元。
shap_vals_sum_exp <- exp(shaps_sum)
plot(shap_vals_sum_exp, labels,
main = paste('RMSE =',
RMSE(pred = shap_vals_sum_exp, obs = labels)))