I would like to efficiently render in an interlaced mode using GLSL.
I can alrdy do this like:
vec4 background = texture2D(plane[5], gl_TexCoord[1].st);
vec4 foreground = get_my_color();
gl_FragColor = vec4(fore.rgb * foreground .a + background .rgb * (1.0-foreground .a), background .a + fore.a);
gl_FragColor = background;
However, as far as I have understood the nature of branching in GLSL is that both branches will actually be executed, since "even_row" is considered as run-time value.
Is there any trick I can use here in order to avoid unnecessarily calling the rather heavy function "get_color"? The behavior of is_even_row is quite static.
Or is there some other way to do this?
NOTE: glPolygonStipple will not work since I have custom blend functions in my GLSL code.