考虑一个看起来像这样的 CSV
以下是仅使用标准库在 python 中实现它的方法:
import csv
with open("data.csv", newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='|')
headers = next(reader) # The first line is the table columns
# let's extract the tuples (letter, number) from the table columns
dataranks = [tuple(x.split("_")) for x in headers[1:]] # dataranks = [('a', '1'), ('a', '2'), ('a', '3'), ('a', '4'), ('b', '1'), ('b', '2'), ('b', '3'), ('b', '4')
joined_data = []
for row in reader:
# for each row, let's make a new dictionary
aggregate = {}
# for each value in the row, let's associate it to it's (letter, number) column data tuple
for value, ranks in zip(row[1:], dataranks):
# for each letter, let's use a nested dict for the number values
if ranks[0] not in aggregate:
aggregate[ranks[0]] = {}
# just need to fill the dict now
aggregate[ranks[0]][ranks[1]] = value
# and add it to our list.
join_data 的内容将是:
[{'a': {'1': 'true', '2': 'false', '3': 'true', '4': 'false'},
'b': {'1': 'true', '2': 'false', '3': 'true', '4': 'false'}},
{'a': {'1': 'false', '2': 'true', '3': 'false', '4': 'true'},
'b': {'1': 'false', '2': 'true', '3': 'false', '4': 'true'}}]