我有一个包含以下列的 data.frame:月份、存储和需求。

Month   Store   Demand
Jan     A   100
Feb     A   150
Mar     A   120
Jan     B   200
Feb     B   230
Mar     B   320

我需要围绕它进行旋转以创建一个新的 data.frame 或包含每个月列的数组,例如:

Store   Jan Feb Mar
A       100 150 120
B       200 230 320

很感谢任何形式的帮助。我刚开始使用 R。


3 回答 3

> df <- read.table(textConnection("Month   Store   Demand
+ Jan     A   100
+ Feb     A   150
+ Mar     A   120
+ Jan     B   200
+ Feb     B   230
+ Mar     B   320"), header=TRUE)

因此,您的 Month 列很可能是按字母顺序排序的水平因素(编辑:)

> df$Month <- factor(df$Month, levels= month.abb[1:3])
 # Just changing levels was not correct way to handle the problem. 
 # Need to use within a factor(...) call.
> xtabs(Demand ~ Store+Month, df)
 Store Jan Feb Mar
     A 100 150 120
     B 200 230 320


> with(df, tapply(Demand, list(Store, Month) , I)  )
  Jan Feb Mar
A 100 150 120
B 200 230 320
于 2011-06-24T17:21:13.910 回答

欢迎来到 R。

通常有很多方法可以使用 R 达到相同的目的。另一种方法是使用 Hadley 的 reshape 包。

# create the data as explained by @Dwin
df <- read.table(textConnection("Month   Store   Demand
                                Jan     A   100
                                Feb     A   150
                                Mar     A   120
                                Jan     B   200
                                Feb     B   230
                                Mar     B   320"), 

# load the reshape package from Hadley -- he has created GREAT packages

# reshape the data from long to wide
cast(df, Store ~ Month)


于 2011-06-24T17:43:02.630 回答

如果数据在dat(并且级别设置为日历顺序),那么另一个基本 R 解决方案是使用(非常不直观)reshape()函数:

reshape(dat, v.names = "Demand", idvar = "Store", timevar = "Month", 
        direction = "wide")


> reshape(dat, v.names = "Demand", idvar = "Store", timevar = "Month", 
+         direction = "wide")
  Store Demand.Jan Demand.Feb Demand.Mar
1     A        100        150        120
4     B        200        230        320


> out <- reshape(dat, v.names = "Demand", idvar = "Store", timevar = "Month", 
+                direction = "wide")
> names(out)[-1] <- month.abb[1:3]
> out
  Store Jan Feb Mar
1     A 100 150 120
4     B 200 230 320

(为了获得上面的输出,我以与@DWin's Answer 中所示类似的方式读取数据,然后运行以下命令:

dat <- transform(dat, Month = factor(Month, levels = month.abb[1:3]))


于 2011-06-24T20:32:52.770 回答