我将机会 id 发送到mySourceId到例程中,并运行应该是标准的 Docusign APEX API 例程。我们有一个使用标准 Docusign 例程完成此合并的按钮,但正试图绕过用户必须忍受的所有额外按钮点击。

我有一个在 Docusign 上创建并可用的模板,文档上带有 Salesforce 相关的自定义字段标签。文档中是否有我遗漏的内容?

        //create the emptyenvelope connecting it to the SF object
        myEnvelope = dfsle.EnvelopeService.getEmptyEnvelope(new dfsle.Entity(**mySourceId**));

        //use the Recipient.fromSource method to create the Recipient
        dfsle.Recipient myRecipient = dfsle.Recipient.fromSource(sender.name, // Recipient name
                                                                 sender.eAddress, // Recipient email
                                                                 null, //Optional phone number
                                                                 sender.role, //Role Name. Specify the exact role name from template
                                                                 new dfsle.Entity(**mySourceId**)); //source object for the Recipient
        //add email detail for the envelope
        myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withEmail(settingsDocusignTemplate.get(sourceName).email_subject__c, settingsDocusignTemplate.get(sourceName).email_body__c);

        //Could provide automatic notifications as well based off of criteria
        final boolean dfsle_reminder = settingsDocusignTemplate.get(sourceName).reminder__c;
        final integer dfsle_remindAfterDays = Integer.valueOf(settingsDocusignTemplate.get(sourceName).remindAfterDays__c); //wait before sending reminder
        //add Recipient to the Envelope
        myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withRecipients(new List<dfsle.Recipient> { myRecipient });

        //create a new document for the Envelope
        dfsle.Document myDocument =     dfsle.Document.fromTemplate((dfsle.UUID)templateInfo.get('UUID'), // templateId in dfsle.UUID format
        (String)templateInfo.get('name')); // name of the template

        //add document to the Envelope
        myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withDocuments(new List<dfsle.Document> { myDocument });

    try {
        System.debug('\tSending Envelope');
        dfsle.EnvelopeService.sendEnvelope(myEnvelope, // The envelope to send
                                                    true); // Send now?
    } catch (dfsle.DocuSignException docusignExcpt) {
    } catch (Exception excp) {

3 回答 3


withCustomFields(new List<dfsle.CustomField> {myField})

如何将多个字段添加到列表 new List<dfsle.CustomField> {myField}?

于 2020-11-10T06:38:12.650 回答


String opptyStr = (String) myOpportunity.Id + '~Opportunity';
        dfsle.CustomField myField = new dfsle.CustomField ('text', 'DSFSSourceObjectId', opptyStr, null, false, false);

//add document to the Envelope
myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withDocuments(new List<dfsle.Document> { myDocument })
.withCustomFields(new List<dfsle.CustomField> {myField});


于 2020-11-09T17:55:38.673 回答


        templateInfo.put('Source_Reference',(String) mySourceId + '~Opportunity');

        dfsle.CustomField sourceField = new dfsle.CustomField ('text', 'DSFSSourceObjectId', (String)templateInfo.get('Source_Reference'), null, false, false);

        //add document to the Envelope
        myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withDocuments(new List<dfsle.Document> { myDocument });

        //populate the custom fields on the Envelope
        myEnvelope = myEnvelope.withCustomFields(new List<dfsle.CustomField> {sourceField});
于 2020-11-10T19:56:16.363 回答