我正在尝试根据 CloudWatch 警报(命名空间 - AWS/SQS,指标名称 - ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible)在 AWS ECS 中自动扩展 Fargate 服务。我设法在 AWS 控制台中做到了这一点,但不是通过代码(在 Pulumi 中)。


const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc("vpc", {
  subnets: [{ type: "public" }],

const my_cluster = new awsx.ecs.Cluster("my-cluster", { vpc });

const task = new awsx.ecs.FargateTaskDefinition(...)

const my_fargateService = new awsx.ecs.FargateService(
    cluster: my_cluster,
    taskDefinition: task,
    desiredCount: 0,

const sqs_queue = new aws.sqs.Queue(
const autoscaling_Policy1 = new aws.autoscaling.Policy("autoscaling_Policy1", {
  policyType: "StepScaling",
  adjustmentType: "ExactCapacity",
  stepAdjustments: [{
    metricIntervalUpperBound: 1,
    scalingAdjustment: 0
  // I think problem here
  autoscalingGroupName: autoScalingGroupFromFargateService.name // ???
const sqs_less_than_1 = new aws.cloudwatch.MetricAlarm("sqs_less_than_1_message_visible", {
  comparisonOperator: "LessThanThreshold",
  evaluationPeriods: "2",
  metricName: "approximateNumberOfMessagesVisible",
  namespace: "AWS/SQS",
  period: "120",
  statistic: "Maximum",
  threshold: "1",
  dimensions: {
      QueueName: sqs_queue.name,
  alarmDescription: "This metric monitors number of messages in sqs queue",
  alarmActions: [] // I think it should be -> [autoscaling_Policy1.arn],

问题 - 我不知道如何从 my_fargateService 检索自动缩放组(“autoScalingGroupFromFargateService.name”)。

在 AWS 控制台中,我这样做如下图所示: 在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

我得到了这个结果: 在此处输入图像描述


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