我有兴趣从随机效应 logit 模型中重现平均边际效应(在 Stata 中使用 运行xtlogit
使用 Delta 方法从模型中重现平均边际效应。例如,在下面的代码中,我成功地重现了age
*** Stata code
* download data
webuse union, clear
* calculate delta and copy variable of interest - age
sum age
gen xdelta = r(sd)/1000
clonevar age_ = age
* run logit model and calculate average marginal effect using margins
logit union age_
* calculate average marginal effect by hand - mean of xme equals result from margins above
predict p1
replace age_ = age_+xdelta
predict p2
gen xme = (p2 - p1) / xdelta
sum xme
* calculate average marginal effect at fixed value of age using margins
* calculate average marginal effect by hand - mean of p3 equals result from margins above
replace age_ = 16
predict p3
sum p3
*** Stata code
* download data and designate panel variables
webuse union, clear
xtset idcode year
* run xtlogit model
xtlogit union age
* calculate average marginal effects - can't figure out how to reproduce these estimates :(
margins, dydx(*)
margins, at(age=(16))
----- 编辑以更清楚地表明我有兴趣复制由margins