我正在尝试使用 VecInit() 声明一个«rom»,如下所示

  val GbColors = VecInit(Array(GB_GREEN0, GB_GREEN1, GB_GREEN2, GB_GREEN3))


class VgaColors extends Bundle {
  val red   = UInt(6.W)
  val green = UInt(6.W)
  val blue  = UInt(6.W)

object GbConst {
                            /* "#9BBC0F"*/
val GB_GREEN0 = (new VgaColors()).Lit(_.red   -> "h26".U(6.W),
                                      _.green -> "h2F".U(6.W),
                                      _.blue  -> "h03".U(6.W))

                          /* "#8BAC0F"*/
 val GB_GREEN1 = (new VgaColors()).Lit(_.red   -> "h1E".U(6.W),
                                       _.green -> "h27".U(6.W),
                                       _.blue  -> "h03".U(6.W))
                          /* "#306230"*/
 val GB_GREEN2 = (new VgaColors()).Lit(_.red   -> "h0C".U(6.W),
                                       _.green -> "h18".U(6.W),
                                       _.blue  -> "h0C".U(6.W))
 val GB_GREEN3 = (new VgaColors()).Lit(_.red   -> "h03".U(6.W),
                                       _.green -> "h0E".U(6.W),
                                       _.blue  -> "h03".U(6.W))

我无法设法将 GbColors 用作可索引的 Vec

 io.vga_color := GbColors(io.mem_data)


[info] [0.004] Elaborating design...
[error] chisel3.internal.ChiselException: Connection between sink (VgaColors(IO in unelaborated MemVga)) and source (VgaColors(Wire in GbWrite)) failed @.blue: Sink or source unavailable to current module.
[error]     ...
[error]     at gbvga.MemVga.$anonfun$new$42(memvga.scala:87)
[error]     at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.java:23)
[error]     at chisel3.WhenContext.<init>(When.scala:80)
[error]     at chisel3.when$.apply(When.scala:32)
[error]     at gbvga.MemVga.<init>(memvga.scala:86)
[error]     at gbvga.GbVga.$anonfun$memvga$1(gbvga.scala:24)
[error]     at chisel3.Module$.do_apply(Module.scala:54)
[error]     at gbvga.GbVga.<init>(gbvga.scala:24)
[error]     at gbvga.GbVgaDriver$.$anonfun$new$9(gbvga.scala:53)
[error]     ... (Stack trace trimmed to user code only, rerun with --full-stacktrace if you wish to see the full stack trace)

为了管理它,我必须使用switch(){is()}format :

    switch(io.mem_data) {
      is("b00".U) {
        io.vga_color := GB_GREEN0
      is("b01".U) {
        io.vga_color := GB_GREEN1
      is("b10".U) {
        io.vga_color := GB_GREEN2
      is("b11".U) {
        io.vga_color := GB_GREEN3

但我认为它太冗长了。我的 VecInit() «rom» 有什么问题?



$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_151"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)
$ scala -version
Scala code runner version 2.11.7-20150420-135909-555f8f09c9 -- Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL

build.sbt 中

val defaultVersions = Map(
  "chisel3" -> "3.4.0-RC1",
  "chisel-iotesters" -> "1.5.0-RC1",
  "chisel-formal" -> "0.1-SNAPSHOT",

1 回答 1


我认为这里的问题是因为Bundles inGbConst是在 a 之外创建的Module。一种可能的解决方法是将 GbConst 变为 atrait并将其添加到需要访问这些值的模块中。(我创建了一个PR,似乎表明这种方法有效,尽管它可能会创建大量的 Bundles 副本)。另一种方法(我没有尝试过)是创建一个模块,将所有捆绑包作为输出提供(应该减少副本)。

我的 PR 还将 chisel3 和 chisel-testers 依赖项更改为 SNAPSHOTS。

于 2020-11-03T04:46:31.307 回答