Every time a test step fails, or we call the command to take a screenshot, it appears to take about 10 seconds to capture and save the image. This seems like a long time, but is this expected? Can anyone explain why, if this is normal?

screenshot of opentest log


1 回答 1


10 秒听起来“太多”,但一般来说,预计 3rd 方服务的运行速度比在本地机器上运行测试要慢,尤其是对于 takeScreenshot/getPageSource 操作。多种原因:

  • adb 性能问题
  • 慢模拟器
  • 第三方服务问题

在本地运行并进行比较,然后联系服务人员询问为什么要多花 5 倍时间 :)

于 2020-11-05T13:08:40.650 回答