

list = [str1, str2, str3, ....]

dict = {str1:len(str1), str2:len(str2), str3:len(str3),.....}

我的解决方案是一个 for 循环,但它花费了太多时间(我的列表包含近 1M 元素):

for i in list:
    d[i] = len(i) 

我希望在 python 中使用多处理模块以利用所有内核并减少进程执行所需的时间。我遇到了一些粗略的例子,涉及管理器模块在不同进程之间共享 dict 但无法实现它。任何帮助,将不胜感激!


1 回答 1




  • 创建随机单词列表
  • 将列表拆分为段,每个进程一个段
  • 运行进程,将段作为参数传递
  • 将结果字典合并到单个字典


import concurrent.futures
import random
from multiprocessing import Process, freeze_support
def todict(lst):
   print(f'Processing {len(lst)} words')
   return {e:len(e) for e in lst}  # convert list to dictionary   

if __name__ == '__main__':
    freeze_support()  # needed for Windows
    # create random word list - max 15 chars
    letters = [chr(x) for x in range(65,65+26)] # A-Z
    words = [''.join(random.sample(letters,random.randint(1,15))) for w in range(10000)] # 10000 words

    words = list(set(words))  # remove dups, count will drop

    cpucnt = 4  # process count to use
    # split word list for each process
    wl = len(words)//cpucnt + 1  # word count per process
    lstsplit = []
    for c in range(cpucnt):
       lstsplit.append(words[c*wl:(c+1)*wl]) # create word list for each process

    # start processes
    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=cpucnt) as executor:
        procs = [executor.submit(todict, lst) for lst in lstsplit]
        results = [p.result() for p in procs]  # block until results are gathered
    # merge results to single dictionary
    dd = {}
    for r in results:
    print(len(dd))  # confirm match word count
    with open('dd.txt','w') as f: f.write(str(dd)) # write dictionary to text file
于 2020-10-31T14:26:57.283 回答