I am trying to integrate instana(https://www.instana.com) with react native webview. My app is a webapp which is being rendered inside webview. My approach is to inject their javascript agent(https://www.instana.com/docs/website_monitoring/api) to webview, but that doesn't seems to be working. Any thoughts on this will be extremely helpful.
89 次
1 回答
Instana 提供了为 React native 量身定制的代理,从而简化了集成。React 本机代理不同于用于网站监控的代理。
您可以通过在 Instana 的用户界面中创建一个移动应用程序来开始使用 React 本机监控Websites & Mobile Apps -> Mobile Apps
。对于 React 本机代理,您可以在 Instana 的文档站点上找到专门的文档和安装说明。
对于更多问题和支持,我建议利用Instana 的支持门户。
于 2020-11-02T09:18:54.950 回答