请帮我找出问题所在。我用 groovy 编程(你可以使用 java 示例,它看起来像那里)。Json 来到输入,其中不知道有多少字段。可能有 5 个字段,可能有 10 个,也可能有 50 个。我的任务是处理这个 json 并使用以下方法返回数据:

// Names of dataset columns
def names = ["a", "b", "c"];
// types of return values ​​in each column (for any field (column) json is always String)
def types = ["String", "String", "String"];
// formation of the dataset header
reader.outputLinesSetHeaders (names, types);
// Passing the data itself from json
reader.outputLines ([it.a, it.b, it.c])
// Close the dataset
reader.outputLinesEnd ();

如果我知道传入的 json,那么我会提前设置所需的字段名称,“String”的数量,并通过引用特定的 json 字段返回它们的值。下面的示例显示了 3 个 json 字段:auto、home、job。因此,每个字段的 3 倍“字符串”并引用特定字段以返回 it.auto、it.home、it.job 的值。但是,如果我不知道传入的 json,我该怎么做呢?

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

import ru.itrpro.xm.plugins.groovy.ResultSetReader;

class XM_PARSE_XLS {

    def execute(ResultSetReader reader, String pfile) {

        def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
        def list = jsonSlurper.parseText(pfile)

        //The names of the columns of the dataset (now set statically to show an example; but in my case I don't know json and can't write it this way in advance)
        def names = ["AUTO", "HOME", "JOB"];
        //return types in each column (for any json, only "String" types)
        def types = ["String", "String", "String"];

        //формирование заголовка датасета

                list.each {
                        //pass the values as a dataset from json (now set statically to show an example; but in my case I don't know json and can't write it this way in advance)
                        reader.outputLines([it?.AUTO, it?.HOME, it?.JOB]);

        //closing dataset
        return null;

    static void main(String... args) {
            String pfile =  """
            def SSC = new XM_PARSE_XLS()
            def res = SSC.execute(new ResultSetReader(), pfile)



也许值得将传入 json 的所有字段名称收集到一个列表中,并指定一个与字段编号相同的“字符串”列表(任何传入 json 的所有字段都只有“字符串”)?但是如何做到这一点,然后我应该如何传递字段值(它。***)?


2 回答 2



import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

def data = new JsonSlurper().parseText("""[{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "x": true}, {"a": 4, "b": 5, "c": 6, "d": "Hello"}]""")
def content = data.collectEntries{ 
        [it.key, it.value.class.name] 

println content
// → [a:java.lang.Integer, b:java.lang.Integer, c:java.lang.Integer, x:java.lang.Boolean, d:java.lang.String]
于 2020-10-30T11:47:49.573 回答

如果输入 JSON 是 Object 类型(键值对),它会被解析为 a Map,因此您可以使用它的方法来检查它。

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

String pfile =  """
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def list = jsonSlurper.parseText pfile

List names = list.inject( new HashSet() ){ res, map ->
  res.addAll map.keySet()

// get types based on actual values
def types = list.first().values()*.getClass()*.simpleName

assert '[AUTO, JOB, HOME]' == names.toString()
assert '[String, String, Integer]' == types.toString()

//reader.outputLinesSetHeaders names, types

list.each{ e ->
  //reader.outputLines names.collect{ e[ it ] }
  println names.collect{ e[ it ] }



于 2020-10-30T11:48:53.250 回答