<ret> or f or <spc> follow unison's recommendation (if any)
n or j go to the next item
p or b or k go back to previous item
<del> or <bsp> revert then go back to previous item
0 go to the start of the list
9 go to the end of the list
5 go forward to the middle of the following items
6 go backward to the middle of the preceding items
R reverse the list of paths
d show differences (curr or match)
x show details (curr or match)
L list all (or matching) following changes tersely
l list all (or matching) following changes with details
A or * match all the following
1 match all the following that propagate from local to saunterblugget
2 match all the following that propagate from saunterblugget to local
C match all the following conflicts
P or = match all the following with only props changes
M match all the following merges
X or ! invert the matching condition
& and the last two matching conditions
| or the last two matching conditions
D or _ delete/pop the active matching condition
U or $ unmatch (select current)
r or u revert to unison's default recommendation (curr or match)
m merge the versions (curr or match)
> or . propagate from from local to saunterblugget (curr or match)
< or , propagate from from saunterblugget to local (curr or match)
] or " resolve conflicts in favor of the newer (curr or match)
[ or ' resolve conflicts in favor of the older (curr or match)
c resolve conflicts in favor of changed (curr or match)
i invert direction of propagation (curr or match)
/ or : skip (curr or match)
% skip all the following
- skip and discard for this session (curr or match)
+ skip and discard all the following
I ignore this path permanently
E permanently ignore files with this extension
N permanently ignore paths ending with this name
s stop reconciling and go to the proceed menu
g proceed immediately to propagating changes
q exit unison without propagating any changes
unison的文档提到可以提供与某些路径匹配的条件,并执行诸如首先或最后列出所有匹配文件之类的操作。该文档没有讨论使用 、 或 等命令对此类条件A
。其他文档来源,如wiki和github 项目似乎也没有提供这方面的帮助。