I was trying to implement UPI intent, but whenever i am paying it's saying maximum limit exceeded in google pay, in phone pe, It's showing due to security issue, you cannot pay with this bank account. Please help me out. here is my code.
Uri UPI = Uri.parse("upi://pay").buildUpon()
.appendQueryParameter("pa", "") //rList.get(i).upi_id
.appendQueryParameter("pn", "") //rList.get(i).username
.appendQueryParameter("tn", "TEST") //rList.get(i).paylist_name
.appendQueryParameter("tr", ""+StaticValues.transactionId)
.appendQueryParameter("tid", ""+StaticValues.transactionId)
.appendQueryParameter("am", ""+rList.get(i).payble_amount)
.appendQueryParameter("cu", "INR")
//.appendQueryParameter("orgid", "000000")
//.appendQueryParameter("mode", "04")
Intent intent = new Intent();
Intent chooser = Intent.createChooser(intent, "Pay with...");
startActivityForResult(chooser, 1);