我正在审查我们的聊天/视频通话功能的 ACS(Azure 通信服务),并注意到他们没有为注册用户提供 GUI 管理工具。



2 回答 2


Azure Communication Service is identity agnostic (meaning that it does not store your identities but provides it's own identifiers). This means that you need to keep mapping between your identities and ACS identities. You can issue access token for the ACS identity, to give it permission to use calling or chat.

The restriction of the action is bind to your identity. Azure Communication Services managing access to the primitives such as calling and chatting. This means, that on your application level you have to design whether your identity can access given meeting. If your application decides to grant the permission to join the meeting, user can create/reuse access token and join the meeting.

于 2020-10-30T11:59:05.520 回答

我不确定您所说的“限制”是什么意思。但是,如果要删除已创建的用户,可以使用API 删除身份对象。目前,没有用于此的 UI。

于 2020-10-28T17:26:12.087 回答