我试图围绕 ARI 和 Asterisk,我的目标是从一个分机拨号到另一个。我从分机 5002 拨打了 5001。现在在 stasisStart 功能中,我想创建一个新频道,并使用拨打的号码 (5001) 并将“PJSIP/5001”传递给端点。如何获得拨打的号码?


exten  => _500Z, 1, Stasis(test-app)


    function stasisStart(event, channel) {

    // I want to dial 'PJSIP/5001' (the dialed number)
    client.channels.originate({ endpoint: 'PJSIP/5001', app: 'test-app' },)
    .then(function (originatedChannel) {
        console.log(' originated ');
        console.log(util.format('originated channel id %s  - name: %s', originatedChannel.id, originatedChannel.name));
    .catch(function (err) { console.log('error happened'); });


id: "1603812843.140"
name: "PJSIP/5002-0000004e"
state: "Ring"
caller: {"name":"","number":"5002"}
connected: {"name":"","number":""}
accountcode: ""
dialplan: {"context":"internal","exten":"5001","priority":1,"app_name":"Stasis","app_data":"test-app"}
creationtime: "2020-10-27T11:34:03.251-0400"
language: "en"

1 回答 1



 *  This example shows how a call can be originated from a channel entering a
 *  Stasis application to an endpoint. The endpoint channel will then enter the
 *  Stasis application and the 2 channels will be placed into a mixing bridge.
 *      exten => _500Z,1,NoOp()
 *      same => n,Stasis(originate-example)
 *      same => n,Hangup()

'use strict';

var client = require('ari-client');

var ENDPOINT = 'PJSIP/5001'; // TODO: enter your endpoint here

// TODO: replace with your Asterisk instance: host, user and secret
client.connect('http://localhost:8088', 'asterisk', 'asterisk', 
     *  Setup event listeners and start application.
     *  @callback connectCallback
     *  @memberof originate-example
     *  @param {Error} err - error object if any, null otherwise
     *  @param {module:ari-client~Client} ari - ARI client
    function (err, ari) {

  // Use once to start the application to ensure this listener will only run
  // for the incoming channel
       *  Once the incoming channel has entered Stasis, answer it and originate
       *  call to the endpoint (outgoing channel).
       *  @callback incomingStasisStartCallback
       *  @memberof originate-example
       *  @param {Object} event - the full event object
       *  @param {module:resources~Channel} incoming -
       *    the incoming channel entering Stasis
      function (event, incoming) {

    incoming.answer(function (err) {

   *  Originate the outgoing channel
   *  @function originate
   *  @memberof originate-example
   *  @param {module:resources~Channel} incoming - the incoming channel that
   *    will originate the call to the endpoint
  function originate (incoming) {
         *  If the incoming channel ends, hangup the outgoing channel.
         *  @callback incomingStasisEndCallback
         *  @memberof originate-example
         *  @param {Object} event - the full event object
         *  @param {module:resources~Channel} channel -
         *    the incoming channel leaving Stasis
        function (event, channel) {

      outgoing.hangup(function (err) {});

    var outgoing = ari.Channel();

         *  If the endpoint rejects the call, hangup the incoming channel.
         *  @callback outgoingChannelDestroyedCallback
         *  @memberof originate-example
         *  @param {Object} event - the full event object
         *  @param {module:resources~Channel} channel -
         *    the channel that was destroyed
        function (event, channel) {

      incoming.hangup(function (err) {});

         *  When the outgoing channel enters Stasis, create a mixing bridge
         *  and join the channels together.
         *  @callback outgoingStasisStartCallback
         *  @memberof originate-example
         *  @param {Object} event - the full event object
         *  @param {module:resources~Channel} outgoing -
         *    the outgoing channel entering Stasis
        function (event, outgoing) {

      var bridge = ari.Bridge();

           *  If the outgoing channel ends, clean up the bridge.
           *  @callback outgoingStasisEndCallback
           *  @memberof originate-example
           *  @param {Object} event - the full event object
           *  @param {module:resources~Channel} channel -
           *    the outgoing channel leaving Stasis
          function (event, channel) {

        bridge.destroy(function (err) {});

           *  Once the outgoing channel has been answered, create a mixing
           *  bridge and add the incoming and outgoing channels to it.
           *  @callback outgoingAnswerCallback
           *  @memberof originate-example
           *  @param {Error} err - error object if any, null otherwise
          function (err) {

        bridge.create({type: 'mixing'},
             *  Once the mixing bridge has been created, join the incoming and
             *  outgoing channels to it.
             *  @callback bridgeCreateCallback
             *  @memberof originate-example
             *  @param {Error} err - error object if any, null otherwise
             *  @param {module:resources~Bridge} bridge - the newly created
             *    mixing bridge
            function (err, bridge) {

            {channel: [incoming.id, outgoing.id]},
            function (err) {}

    var playback = ari.Playback();
    incoming.play({media: 'sound:vm-dialout'}, playback, function (err) {});

    // Originate call from incoming channel to endpoint
      {endpoint: ENDPOINT, app: 'originate-example', appArgs: 'dialed'},
      function (err, channel) {}

  // can also use ari.start(['app-name'...]) to start multiple applications
于 2020-10-27T21:24:45.477 回答