如果您不喜欢使用完整的 ORM 框架,例如 @Bas 建议的框架...
查看 Datatable 的 Dataview 中可用的ToTable方法。您可以简单地使用 DataTable.DefaultView 为您的 Datatable 获取 DataView:
List<Long> myList = dt.DefaultDataView.ToTable(True, "ID").AsEnumerable().ToList()
或者,您可以将要附加的其他数据加载到第二个数据表中,并使用DataTable.Merge 方法
// Create a class to hold the information you want to bind,
// you could use anonymous types if preferred
class MyDataRow
public long ID { get; set; }
public string AnotherColumn { get; set; }
public string AndAnotherColumn { get; set; }
// then later on when creating that list use something along the lines of:
List<MyDataRow> myList = dt.DefaultDataView.ToTable(True, "ID").AsEnumerable().Select(x => new MyDataRow { ID = x.ID }).ToList()
// you now have a list of MyDataRow which you can work with
// for example...
if (myList.Any())
myList.First().AnotherColumn = "foo";
// as an exmaple of using an anoymous type (not my preference, but an option nonetheless)
var anonymousList = dt.DefaultDataView.ToTable(True, "ID").AsEnumerable().Select(x => new { ID = x.ID, whateverYouWantToCallIt = "some other data but this is read only property" }).ToList()
// you can work with the anonymous list in much the same way, it just isn't explicitly declared
// and the properties are Read Only
if (anonymousList.Any())