我在QListView. 我目前有一个QListView显示我的自定义模型,称为PlayQueue基于QAbstractListModel.

这适用于简单的文本,但现在我想为每个元素显示一个自定义小部件。所以我将 a 子类QStyledItemDelegate化来实现这样的paint方法:

void QueueableDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index ) const
    if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected)
        painter->fillRect(option.rect, option.palette.highlight());
    QWidget *widget = new QPushButton("bonjour");

选择背景已正确呈现,但未显示任何小部件。我尝试使用QPainterQt 示例中的简单命令,效果很好:

void QueueableDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index ) const
    if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected)
        painter->fillRect(option.rect, option.palette.highlight());
    if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected)
    painter->setFont(QFont("Arial", 10));
    painter->drawText(option.rect, Qt::AlignCenter, "Custom drawing");


  • 更改QStyledItemDelegateQItemDelegate
  • 添加painter->save()painter->restore()围绕渲染
  • 将小部件几何设置为可用大小


我在 Ubuntu 11.04 上为 GCC 使用 Qt 4.7.3。


3 回答 3


只是为了完成整个画面:进一步可以找到使用委托将 QWidget 管理为 QListView 项的代码。

我终于找到了如何使用它的 paint(...) 方法使其在 QStyledItemDelegate 的子类中工作。

它似乎比以前的解决方案更有效地提高性能,但是这个声明需要通过调查 setIndexWidget() 对创建的 QWidget 的作用来验证 =)。


class PackageListItemWidget: public QWidget


class PackageListItemDelegate: public QStyledItemDelegate


void PackageListItemDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index ) const

// here we have active painter provided by caller

// by the way - we can't use painter->save() and painter->restore()
// methods cause we have to call painter->end() method before painting
// the QWidget, and painter->end() method deletes
// the saved parameters of painter

// we have to save paint device of the provided painter to restore the painter
// after drawing QWidget
QPaintDevice* original_pdev_ptr = painter->device();

// example of simple drawing (selection) before widget
if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected)
    painter->fillRect(option.rect, option.palette.highlight());

// creating local QWidget (that's why i think it should be fasted, cause we 
// don't touch the heap and don't deal with a QWidget except painting)
PackageListItemWidget item_widget;

// Setting some parameters for widget for example
    // spec. params
    // geometry

// here we have to finish the painting of provided painter, cause
//     1) QWidget::render(QPainter *,...) doesn't work with provided external painter 
//          and we have to use QWidget::render(QPaintDevice *,...)
//          which creates its own painter
//     2) two painters can't work with the same QPaintDevice at the same time

// rendering of QWidget itself
item_widget.render(painter->device(), QPoint(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y()), QRegion(0, 0, option.rect.width(), option.rect.height()), QWidget::RenderFlag::DrawChildren);   

// starting (in fact just continuing) painting with external painter, provided
// by caller

// example of simple painting after widget
painter->drawEllipse(0,0, 10,10);   
于 2013-09-24T13:43:18.127 回答


  1. 删除委托类
  2. 调用我的模型QListView::setIndexWidget()data()方法来设置小部件
  3. 通过检查确保设置时不存在任何小部件QListView::indexWidget()
  4. 处理Qt::SizeHintRole角色以返回小部件的大小提示
  5. Qt::DisplayRole为角色返回一个空白的 QVariant

这样,我的自定义小部件显示在 QListView 中,并且它们被正确地延迟加载(这就是我使用模型/视图模式的原因)。但是我看不到在不显示时如何卸载它们,这是另一个问题。

于 2011-07-01T13:14:59.790 回答

是一个给你的例子。似乎您需要使用 QStylePainter 但这仅用于绘图,据我了解它不像真正的按钮。

于 2011-06-23T11:01:25.813 回答