I using this library for printing, and I am using Ubuntu.
My code is the following:
FilePort port=new FilePort("\\\\printerIp:631\\printers\\Hewlett-Packard-HP-LaserJet-Professional-P1606dn");
TextPrinter printer=PrinterFactory.getPrinter("HP-PCL5");
However I am not able to print. When I use
FilePort port=new FilePort("\home\hi.txt")
the text is getting printed in hi.txt
I tried \dev\lpr
but it is giving me error
com.java4less.textprinter.exceptions.CouldNotOpenPrinterException: /dev/lpr (Permission denied)
FilePort port=new FilePort("\dev\lpr");
Here is my full source code
try {
FilePort port = new FilePort("\\\\\\printers\\Hewlett-Packard-HP-LaserJet-Professional-P1606dn");
// get printer supporting HP-PCL command set
TextPrinter printer = PrinterFactory.getPrinter("HP-PCL5");
// create printing job
JobProperties job = printer.getDefaultJobProperties();
job.landscape = true;
printer.startJob(port, job);
// print BOLD text
TextProperties prop = printer.getDefaultTextProperties();
prop.bold = true;
printer.printString("This must be BOLD", prop);
printer.printString("Hello world..", prop);
// print line
printer.printHorizontalLine(5,0,80); // row 5, column 0 to 80
} catch (Exception e) {
Please help me.