Let say I have 3 paragraphs in one page. Now if I add few new sentences in 1st Paragraph, all 2 Paragraphs below the first, will move downwards in a continuous fashion.

However I want all these 3 paragraphs will start in a new page. Let say, first Paragraph will start in page #1, second Paragraph in page #2 and third Paragraph in page #3. Now if I add new lines in the first paragraph, the other 2 paragraphs below it will stay in the same pages respectively, until the first paragraph eventually become large enough to occupy first 2 pages. When that would happen, the second paragraph will move to page #3 and third paragraph will move to page #4 i.e. all paragraph will move in a discrete fashion such that each of them will start from a new page.

Is there any way to achieve the same in Libre-office?

Any pointer will be highly appreciated.


2 回答 2


要使 LibreOffice 在每个段落之前插入分页符,您可以相应地修改段落样式(或段落属性)。

要按所述修改段落 1-3,请选择它们,然后选择菜单格式 -> 段落以打开段落选项。选择“文本流”选项卡,在“中断”下,选择“插入”,键入“页面”,位置“之前”。

要相应地修改默认段落样式,请按 F11 打开样式列表,右键单击“默认样式”并选择“修改”。同样,会出现一个段落属性窗口,但修改会影响文档中的每个段落,因此这种方法可能会导致奇怪的结果。

最好的方法是使用所述的分页符集定义自定义段落样式,并将该样式分配给您的段落 1-3。

于 2020-10-23T17:27:04.563 回答


于 2020-10-23T17:03:46.890 回答