在关于供应方法法案(vs tap) https://docs.raku.org/type/Supply#method_act的 Raku 文档中指出:



如果是这样的话,当我尝试实现该功能时,我偶然发现了一种不同的行为。查看以下代码片段,其中创建了 2 个“动作”并在不同的线程中运行:

#!/usr/bin/env perl6

say 'Main  runs in [ thread : ', +$*THREAD, ' ]';

my $b = 1;

sub actor {
    print "    Tap_$*tap                             : $^a  ", now;
    $*tap < 2 ??
                    do {
                        say " - Sleep 0.1";
                        sleep 0.1
                    do {
                        say " - Sleep 0.2";
                        sleep 0.2;
    say "    Tap_$*tap  +1 to \$b                     $b  ", now;

my $supply = supply {
    for 1..100 -> $i {
        say "For Tap_$*tap [ \$i = $i ] => About to emit : $b  ", now;
        emit $b;
        say "For Tap_$*tap [ \$i = $i ] =>       Emitted : $b  ", now;
        done if $b > 5

start {
    my $*tap = 1;
    once say "Tap_$*tap runs in [ thread : {+$*THREAD} ]";
    $supply.act: &actor

start {
    my $*tap = 2;
    once say "Tap_$*tap runs in [ thread : {+$*THREAD} ]";
    $supply.act: &actor

sleep 1;


  1   Main  runs in [ thread : 1 ]                                                       - Main thread              
  2   Tap_1 runs in [ thread : 4 ]                                                       - Tap 1 thread             
  3   For Tap_1 [ $i = 1 ] => About to emit : 1  Instant:1603354571.198187               - Supply thread [for tap 1]
  4       Tap_1                             : 1  Instant:1603354571.203074 - Sleep 0.1   - Tap 1 thread             
  5   Tap_2 runs in [ thread : 6 ]                                                       - Tap 2 thread             
  6   For Tap_2 [ $i = 1 ] => About to emit : 1  Instant:1603354571.213826               - Supply thread [for tap 2]
  7       Tap_2                             : 1  Instant:1603354571.213826 - Sleep 0.2   - Tap 2 thread             
  9   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Time +0.1 seconds        
 11       Tap_1  +1 to $b                     2  Instant:1603354571.305723               - Tap 1 thread             
 12   For Tap_1 [ $i = 1 ] =>       Emitted : 2  Instant:1603354571.305723               - Supply thread [for tap 1]
 13   For Tap_1 [ $i = 2 ] => About to emit : 2  Instant:1603354571.30768                - Supply thread [for tap 1]
 14       Tap_1                             : 2  Instant:1603354571.30768  - Sleep 0.1   - Tap 1 thread             
 16   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Time +0.1 seconds        
 18       Tap_1  +1 to $b                     3  Instant:1603354571.410354               - Tap 1 thread             
 19   For Tap_1 [ $i = 2 ] =>       Emitted : 4  Instant:1603354571.425018               - Supply thread [for tap 1]
 20       Tap_2  +1 to $b                     4  Instant:1603354571.425018               - Tap 2 thread             
 21   For Tap_1 [ $i = 3 ] => About to emit : 4  Instant:1603354571.425018               - Supply thread [for tap 1]
 22   For Tap_2 [ $i = 1 ] =>       Emitted : 4  Instant:1603354571.425995               - Supply thread [for tap 2]
 23       Tap_1                             : 4  Instant:1603354571.425995 - Sleep 0.1   - Tap 1 thread             
 24   For Tap_2 [ $i = 2 ] => About to emit : 4  Instant:1603354571.425995               - Supply thread [for tap 2]
 25       Tap_2                             : 4  Instant:1603354571.426973 - Sleep 0.2   - Tap 2 thread             
 27   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Time +0.1 seconds        
 29       Tap_1  +1 to $b                     5  Instant:1603354571.528079               - Tap 1 thread             
 30   For Tap_1 [ $i = 3 ] =>       Emitted : 5  Instant:1603354571.52906                - Supply thread [for tap 1]
 31   For Tap_1 [ $i = 4 ] => About to emit : 5  Instant:1603354571.52906                - Supply thread [for tap 1]
 32       Tap_1                             : 5  Instant:1603354571.53004  - Sleep 0.1   - Tap 1 thread             
 34   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Time +0.1 seconds        
 36       Tap_2  +1 to $b                     6  Instant:1603354571.62859                - Tap 2 thread             
 37   For Tap_2 [ $i = 2 ] =>       Emitted : 6  Instant:1603354571.62859                - Supply thread [for tap 2]
 38       Tap_1  +1 to $b                     7  Instant:1603354571.631512               - Tap 1 thread             
 39   For Tap_1 [ $i = 4 ] =>       Emitted : 7  Instant:1603354571.631512               - Supply thread [for tap 2]

可以很容易地观察到代码对象(子例程&actor)在 2 个线程中同时运行(例如,请参见输出第 4 行和第 7 行)。



1 回答 1


Raku 的日常使用tap和日常使用之间几乎没有任何区别,因为您遇到的几乎每一个都是连续供应的。串行电源是一种已经强制执行协议的协议,即在处理前一个值之前不会发出值。的实现是:actSupplyact

method act(Supply:D: &actor, *%others) {
    self.sanitize.tap(&actor, |%others)

Wheresanitize强制执行值的串行发射,另外确保事件遵循语法emit* [done | quit]。由于这些属性通常是非常需要的,因此获得 a 的每个内置方法都Supply提供了它们,除了能够创建Supplier并调用unsanitized-supply它。(历史注释:一个非常早期的原型并没有如此广泛地强制执行这些属性,因此更多地需要一种方法来做这些事情act。虽然随着设计涉及到最终在第一个语言版本中发布的内容,对它的需求减少了,但它必须保留它漂亮的短名称。)


my $timer = Supply.interval(1);
$timer.tap: { say "A: {now}" };
$timer.tap: { say "B: {now}" };
sleep 5;


A: Instant:1603364746.02766
B: Instant:1603364746.031255
A: Instant:1603364747.025255
B: Instant:1603364747.028305
A: Instant:1603364748.025584
B: Instant:1603364748.029797
A: Instant:1603364749.026596
B: Instant:1603364749.029643
A: Instant:1603364750.027881
B: Instant:1603364750.030851
A: Instant:1603364751.030137


my $timer = Supply.interval(1);
$timer.tap: { sleep 1.5; say "A: {now}" };
$timer.tap: { sleep 1.5; say "B: {now}" };
sleep 5;


A: Instant:1603364909.442341
B: Instant:1603364909.481506
A: Instant:1603364910.950359
B: Instant:1603364910.982771
A: Instant:1603364912.451916
B: Instant:1603364912.485064



my $timer = Supply.interval(1);
react {
    whenever $timer {
        sleep 1.5;
        say "A: {now}"
    whenever $timer {
        sleep 1.5;
        say "B: {now}"


A: Instant:1603365363.872672
B: Instant:1603365365.379991
A: Instant:1603365366.882114
B: Instant:1603365368.383392
A: Instant:1603365369.884608
B: Instant:1603365371.386087

react由于块隐含的并发控制,每个事件相隔 1.5 秒。

于 2020-10-22T11:18:44.443 回答