我正在尝试使用 Selenium 4 在手动使用 Chrome 浏览器期间记录请求。

问题是请求拦截在使用大约 40 秒后停止(大约)。

我试图改变 commandTimeout 但它没有改变任何东西。我也尝试查看 chromedriver 日志,但我没有在那里找到任何东西。


static void Main(string[] args)
        // Enable chromedriver logging
        var service = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService();
        service.LogPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "chromedriver.log";
        service.EnableVerboseLogging = true;
        var options = new ChromeOptions();

        var webDriver = new ChromeDriver(service, options);
        var devToolsSession = webDriver.CreateDevToolsSession();
        devToolsSession.Network.Enable(new EnableCommandSettings());

        EventHandler<RequestInterceptedEventArgs> requestIntercepted = (sender, e) =>

        RequestPattern requestPattern = new RequestPattern();
        requestPattern.InterceptionStage = InterceptionStage.Request;
        requestPattern.ResourceType = ResourceType.Image;
        var setRequestInterceptionCommandSettings = new SetRequestInterceptionCommandSettings();
        setRequestInterceptionCommandSettings.Patterns = new RequestPattern[] { requestPattern };
        devToolsSession.Network.RequestIntercepted += requestIntercepted;

        while (true)
            webDriver.Url = "https://translate.google.com/";

1 回答 1


As of Selenium 4 beta-1, you can use the Fetch API and retrieve the same resluts (SetRequestIntercepted is deprecated in ChromeTools as late as December 29, 2020).

In either case, the key point for both RequestIntercepted (prior to deprecation) and Fetch to be able to continue after intercepting the request is to capture the RequestId.

With Fetch this can be done in ContinueRequest():

fetch.ContinueRequest(new Fetch.ContinueRequestCommandSettings()
   RequestId = e.RequestId

Below is your code updated to use Fetch which allowed the query to run for 2+ minutes and 5+ minutes before I manually stopped it:

(Note: ensure all of your DevTools as using the same version (i.e. 89 in my case) or you will get errors):

using V89 = OpenQA.Selenium.DevTools.V89;
using V89Net = OpenQA.Selenium.DevTools.V89.Network;
using OpenQA.Selenium.DevTools.V89.Log;

var service = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService();
service.LogPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "chromedriver.log";
service.EnableVerboseLogging = true;
var options = new ChromeOptions();

new DriverManager().SetUpDriver(new ChromeConfig(), VersionResolveStrategy.MatchingBrowser);

var driver = new ChromeDriver(service, options);

IDevTools devTools = driver as IDevTools;

var devToolsSession = devTools.GetDevToolsSession();

var fetch = devToolsSession.GetVersionSpecificDomains<V89.DevToolsSessionDomains>()
var enableCommandSettings = new V89.Fetch.EnableCommandSettings();

var requestPattern = new V89.Fetch.RequestPattern();
requestPattern.RequestStage = V89.Fetch.RequestStage.Response;
requestPattern.ResourceType = V89Net.ResourceType.Document;

enableCommandSettings.Patterns = new V89.Fetch.RequestPattern[] { requestPattern };


void RequestIntercepted(object sender, V89.Fetch.RequestPausedEventArgs e)


    fetch.ContinueRequest(new V89.Fetch.ContinueRequestCommandSettings()
        RequestId = e.RequestId

fetch.RequestPaused += RequestIntercepted;

while (true)
    driver.Url = "https://translate.google.com/";

Screenshot (From left-to-right): LinqPad output Console.Write.Url equivalent, Above code in LINQPad, and view of Chrome log file)

enter image description here

于 2021-04-30T14:32:28.493 回答