尝试在 PostgreSQL 11 中执行 SELECT 查询时出现错误

select (
    SELECT STRING_AGG(u.first_name::text, ', ') 
    FROM game_authors AS gat 
    LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.id = gat.user_id 
    WHERE gat.game_id = g.id AND gat.lang = 'uk' 
    GROUP BY gat.id ORDER BY gat.id ASC
) AS authors_string 
from "games" as "g" 
where "g"."status" != 10 
order by "g"."id" desc limit 10 offset 0

并且 authors_string 应该作为字符串值获取。它抛出了一个错误


我猜它是因为子查询中的 GROUP BY 而发生的,并且可以使用 row_to_json 函数处理,但不知道我应该将它放在表达式中的哪个位置。ORDER BY 不起作用 GROUP BY 表达式,因为 SELECT 中存在聚合函数。

SQL 版本

x86_64-pc-linux-gnu 上的 PostgreSQL 11.8 (Ubuntu 11.8-1.pgdg18.04+1),由 gcc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0 编译,64 位


2 回答 2


我认为您只想删除group by子查询中的子句:

select (
    select string_agg(u.first_name::text, ', ' order by gat.id asc) 
    from game_authors as gat 
    left join users as u on u.id = gat.user_id 
    where gat.game_id = g.id and gat.lang = 'uk' 
) as authors_string 
from games as g 
where g.status <> 10 
order by g.id desc 
limit 10
于 2020-10-20T15:31:08.767 回答


select a.authors_string 
from games as g 
  join (
    SELECT gat.game_id, STRING_AGG(u.first_name::text, ', ' order by gat.id)  as authors
    FROM game_authors AS gat 
      LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.id = gat.user_id 
    WHERE AND gat.lang = 'uk' 
    GROUP BY gat.id 
  ) a ON a.game_id = g.id
where g.status <> 10 
order by g.id desc 
limit 10 offset 0

虽然left join看起来没用

于 2020-10-21T06:55:15.987 回答