I reinstalled the ESB toolkit using the same process (painful) that worked twice before.

But now when I go try to start the BizTalk application "Microsoft.Practices.ESB" in the BizTalk Administration Console, the application fails to start showing the following error:

Could not enlist Send Port 'ALL.Exceptions'. 
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC00CE557 (Microsoft.BizTalk.SnapIn.Framework)

I found this error message in the event log:

Unable to communicate with MessageBox BizTalkMsgBoxDb on SQL Instance [MY SERVER].
Error Code: 0x8004d00e.
Possible reasons include:
1) The MessageBox is unavailable.
2) The network link from this machine to the MessageBox is down.
3) The DTC Configuration on either this local machine or the machine hosting this MessageBox is incorrect.

SQL Server seems to be running ok. Really don't know where to start looking...


1 回答 1


我有同样的问题。检查端口的过滤器,如果列表为空,请尝试手动配置端口上的过滤器,如下所示: ErrorReport.FailureCode - Exists Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ExceptionHandling.Schemas.Property.FaultCode - 存在 这些是通常存在的过滤器在这个端口上,不知何故消失了。



于 2011-06-30T15:19:06.637 回答