I am currently struggling with TI-Basic. I am using a TI-Nspire CX II-T CAS and I want to write my own library and add some functions for statistics.

But at the moment I can not get to work any funcitons at all. Even the most basic code will not work. What I did was:

  1. Add a new Programm named "cube" type "Function" and Library Access "LibPub"
  2. I have written the following Code
Define LibPub cube(n)=

Return n^(3)
  1. Saved it on my PC
  2. Copied to Hanheld's MyLib
  3. Refreshed the Handheld's library Docs --> 6
  4. Open the Library and Call the Function that will look like cube\cube(5)

Then I get the Error Message: "Error: Too many arguments"

Does someone know where I made the mistake?

My Goal before was to do a function that will take function(n,k) and return the value of n!/(n-k)!. I mean both should be pretty straight forward. I hope someone could help me wasted already more then 6h on this...


1 回答 1


发现它是什么。《守则》不是问题。问题是 CTRL+S 将保存文档而不是函数。所以如果你想保存它,你必须先按 CTRL+B 然后移动它。

于 2020-10-19T22:01:01.023 回答